NUGSE Research in Education Journal

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    The Reflection on the Course “Management of Educational Organizations"
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Alexandrova, Gulnara
    In the reflective paper of the course Management of Higher Education, I want to highlight some experiences I have had. Additionally, the paper reflects on some top ics and guest lecturers’ professional experience which was informative and valuable for me personally and pro fessionally. The process of internally analyzing and in vestigating a problem that has been brought about by an experience, which clarifies and produces meaning in terms of the self, and which leads to a shift in conceptu al perspective, is called reflective learning (Boyd & Fales, 1983). This reflection includes four main themes: budg eting, marketing, human resources, and group project work. In the course, I have learned all these aspects the oretically and practically.
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    A Multilingual Journey: An Autoethnography of Language Learning and Transformation
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Jumamuratova, Gullala
    Multilingualism has become a daily tool in communication in the modern world for many members of it (Stein-Smith,2021). High-speed globalization is accelerating multilingualism; however, the education system in many countries uses a monolingual approach (Tucker, 1999), Therefore, it is necessary for the education system of many countries to consider the needs of society to shift from monolingual traditional education to multilingual education. It is necessary to give space for multilingual students in a safe and inclusive classroom where they can learn without being neglected in their home languages (Garcia et al., 2014). Multilingual education goes beyond the classroom. It requires cooperation among teachers, families, and communities to ensure that everyone comprehends and recognizes the significance of speaking multiple languages. This can be done through community programs, engaging parents, and collaborating with local organizations that promote language diversity. Embracing multilingual education is not only crucial but also an opportunity to set fairness and inclusivity in education. Therefore, it is crucial for education systems worldwide to acknowledge the value of speaking multiple languages and take steps to celebrate linguistic diversity in the school setting.
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    Master Students’ Challenges and Strategy Uses While Writing a Thesis at an EMI University in Kazakhstan
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Kamilat, Zhanerke; Zharmukhambetova, Malike
    This qualitative study investigates the challenges and coping strategies of master’s students at an English medium of instruction (EMI) university in Kazakhstan while writing their theses. It explores the difficulties these students face and the methods they use to overcome them. Writing a thesis in English poses a significant challenge, espe cially for non-native speakers conducting research in English for the first time (De Kleijn et al., 2012). Semi structured interviews were conducted with male and female master’s students to gather data on their experiences. The findings reveal that students struggle to balance their academic work with professional and family responsibili ties, which hinders their thesis progress. Future research should investigate specific challenges, such as identifying the causes of burnout and further exploring coping strategies, to gain a deeper understanding of the support need ed for EMI graduate students
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    Dietary Habit Adjustment of International Students in Kazakhstan: An Autoethnographic study
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Bemah, Lydia
    Over the past decades, the internationalization of higher education has become a significant global trend, with countries like Kazakhstan developing policies to attract international students. However, studies indicate that international students encounter myriad challenges in their adjustment process which sometimes hinder them from achieving their dream academic goals. Using an autoethnographic perspective, I explored the challenges I have encountered with my dietary habits adjustment as an international student studying in an unfamiliar cultural and geographical context. I highlighted the causes of my dietary adjustment challenge, which primarily stem from the unavailability of familiar food ingredients. I also highlighted the overall effect this adjustment challenge has had on me and the strategies I have employed to mitigate the challenges and the effects of the challenges. Since food is a basic necessity for humans, fulfilling not only biological needs but also social and psychological ones, prioritizing the dietary adjustment of international students is crucial. I, therefore, recommended an intervention that can be implemented to mitigate the dietary adjustment challenges faced by international students
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    Perception of Stigma: Parents of Children with SEN in Mainstream Schools in Kazakhstan
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Aitbayeva, Anzhela
    The ratification of the Child’s Rights (1989) and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Conventions (2006) in 1994 and 2015, respectively, reflects Kazakhstan’s commitment to establishing a national inclusive policy for inte grating children with special educational needs into general education. Despite the focus on policies and practices in national normative and strategic papers, social rejection and exclusion persist due to stigmatization and discrimi nation. This interview-based research with five parents of children with special needs in mainstream schools sheds light on the enduring stigma. Parents’ experiences reveal stigmatized attitudes from both school administration and parents of typically developing children. The study underscores the need for effective anti-stigma strategies in gen eral education to enhance inclusive practices. In particular, this is evidenced by how parents experience stigmatic attitudes from school administration and parents of typically developing children. The findings contribute signifi cantly to national scientific discourse and suggest that inclusive education requires the development and incorpora tion of effective anti-stigma strategies into general education.
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    NU GSE Research in Education, Volume 7, Issue 1. Summer 2024. Table of Contents
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024)
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(2), 2023) Bazylkanova, Aiza; Jumamuratova, Gullala; Shorman, Mariya
    The successful implementation of new policies and reforms usually depends highly on the context. This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and limitations of CLIL implementation within the Kazakhstani mainstream school context, drawing up-on both global and local perspectives. Through this analysis, the paper identifies the specific challenges that hinder effective CLIL implementation in Kazakh-stan. Based on the discussion, this paper identifies the emergent problem of the disconnect between theoreti-cal tenets and practical realities of CLIL implementa-tion in Kazakhstan. It concludes by offering a series of evaluative recommendations specifically designed to bridge this gap and enhance the effectiveness of CLIL within the Kazakhstani context
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(2), 2023) Ishimgaliyev, Adam
    Multilingual education (MLE), a type of education starting with the mother tongue of the learners, and then gradually introducing one or more additional lan-guages as a medium of instruction policy in teaching, has gained considerable attention around the globe as a means of linguistic proficiency, cultural awareness, and academic success in a rapid-changing globalized world. Multilingualism, typically referring to two or more language acquisitions, involves different aspects of language, culture, and education, making it an im-portant topic to discuss and analyze. The aim of this critical review is to explore multilingual education, its historical development, diverse models, impact on stu-dent achievement, social and cultural implications, and most significantly MLE challenges (their description, risks, influence) that teachers and learners might en-counter in its implementation in an educational sys-tem. All of the key features regarding MLE’s merits and negative points will be clearly analyzed with the help of actual existing scientific literature, and a rea-soned conclusion with the recommendations will be summarized and shared. Understanding the potential prospects, complexity, and implications of the subject is unquestionably significant for scholars, authorities, and educational policymakers since they are the ones who take the responsibility of examining and sharing the subject’s condition and perspectives, shape the current and future models of learning programs, and its implementation.
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(2), 2023) Ussenova, Ayim
    The ability grouping in Kazakhstani English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class is a process where a class is divided in two subgroups if class capacity is twenty-four or more students in both rural and urban schools. However, clear instructions of how to produce such divisions are not described and teachers are left to choose for themselves. This study's primary purpose is to study the teachers’ experiences of grouping students in Eng-lish classrooms and it provides a qualitative interview-based research approach, where a teacher from one sec-ondary school in Astana was selected through a purposeful maximal variation sampling strategy. The findings revealed practices of structuring English language programs in Kazakhstan. The use of mixed-ability groups is a key aspect, driven by the need to balance students' academic performance levels. Challenges arise when stu-dents with diverse learning experiences join a single class, emphasizing the teacher's role in navigating these differences. The study suggests that while mixed-ability groups have advantages, concerns about evaluating oral competency and potential conflicts among teachers underscore the complexity of class organization in Kazakh-stani EFL instruction.
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(2), 2023) Chinedu, Elizabeth
    This study aims to examine the sources of stress that affect women in higher education institutions in Kazakh-stan by exploring the influences of stress on their work performance. In addition, the study investigates the ways female administrators in Kazakhstan’s higher education system cope with stress and manage it to perform better in their work environment. The study employed the qualitative research method utilizing semi-structured interviews with 10 female managers who work in one higher institution in the Astana metropolis. The study finds that female managers encounter issues of excessive workload, student issues, and management regula-tions reported as major sources of stress. However, the study identified some major factors that enhanced par-ticipants’ techniques, such as friendly communication with colleagues, leisure, relaxation, and physical exercise. The findings also revealed how female administrators encounter excessive levels of stress which in turn affects their effective performance and productivity at the workplace. The study may help universities reduce the num-ber of tasks assigned to female managers by recruiting more staff and supporting female administrators in or-ganizing quarterly training to manage stress.
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(2), 2023) Makhmetova, Zhadyra; Zhumabayeva, Elmira
    This 2023/24 winter has been shifting and lurching from a sunny, freezing, white and bright diamond land-scape to the sombre, fragmented quilt of murky greys and browns within one day. The horses depicted in this Winter edition picture seem to have embraced this year's unpredictable winter, as nothing seems to faze them except for the curious onlookers who disrupt their tranquil slumber during a frizzy and cloudy day in the West Kazakhstan steppes When I took this picture, I admired their silence and the deep, questionable gaze at me, the only cause of their silence disruption.
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(1), 2023) Oralbayeva Nurziya
    Since the use of English expanded throughout the post-Soviet states, the trend towards the use of the grammar-translation method in EFL teaching in schools can still be prominent in post-Soviet countries (Hasanova, 2007). It is common knowledge that this approach often results in low communicative language competence. Thus, the primary purpose of this paper is to discover whether the grammar-translation method is still promoted or is re- placed or shifted to CLT. The paper presents a critical analysis of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the contexts of Kazakh- stan and Uzbekistan through analyzing the goals and objectives in the policy documents regarding the teaching of English to track whether the goals determine CLT. Besides, the paper aims at discovering whether the goals in curricula are directed toward developing communicative competence in learners...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(1), 2023) Tastanbek Serikbolsyn, Kazymbek Aigerim, Kalizhanova Zarina, Kaipova Dinara
    Teachers have different views toward translanguaging, which is a pedagogical approach that has garnered significant attention over the last decade. This study investigates the changes in attitudes towards translanguaging off our teachers doing a master’s degree program in Kazakhstan through autoethnography. The findings revealed that the teachers’ present attitudes were formed either during their teaching practice or while studying at graduate school. Some participants’ attitudes were negative when they were teaching, and they mainly associated translanguaging with low language competence and a deficient level of education. However, after a year of studying, the participants changed their attitudes into one that was more positive since they understood the value and benefits of translanguaging. The study suggests that the MA program has the potential to be a good platform for the development of teachers’ plurilingual competence and their appreciation of student plurilingualism…
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(1), 2023) Alimkhanova Dinara, Drybrough Andrew G.
    This review presents information on international and national statistical databases that can be used for the purpose of educational research. Each database is derived from the websites and the authentic website source is provided through a hyperlink. These hyperlinks were accessible and working at the time of writing. Although most of these websites contain a range of types of data on different subject areas (e.g., economic and demographic statistics) each website has at least one section of data or research relating to education, or that might be of interest to the educational researcher. There are also some sites that may be of more specific interest to those involves in educational assessment. The analysis of each databases will cover two main aspects. First, there will be a short description of the statistical database. This is then followed by a brief analysis of that database that identifies the benefits and/or limitations of it. We begin by describing and analyzing the international education databases, followed by national educational databases of Kazakhstan. We have found these of use in our research and teaching, and hope that they can be of benefit to anyone who is interested in international educational research and educational research in Kazakhstan and the wider Central Asian region...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 6(1), 2023) Kozhabayeva Kamila
    This is the first issue after a long break following the COVID-19 pandemic period. The journal had some challenges, and so the work on the journal was postponed. In March 2023 the Graduate School of Education announced the re-establishment the journal with a new editorial team, which was led by NUGSE Academic English Instructor Dr Andrew Drybrough, and Akerke Ayaganova, Senior Manager for Academic and Student Affairs. And we, Zhadyra Makhmetova, NUGSE alumni, PhD in Education, and Elmira Zhumabayeva, NUGSE PhD student, volunteered to be in the new editorial team of the Nazarbayev University Gradu- ate School of Education Research in Education (NUGSERiE) journal, as well as other newly appointed members of the journal team…
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), 2020) Kozhabayeva Kamila
    This issue is being published in truly unusual times that we, along with the entire world, are forced to experience. The Covid-19 outbreak and the measures taken to tackle this global pandemic have placed humankind in the position of quarantine and self-isolation, peeling away the unnecessary and leaving us with the brutal realization of what truly matters. Naïve and childish as they may seem, the thoughts that come to my mind are nothing but positive and, as much as we need to be realistic, being an educator, I see how a “hopeless” and mildly motivated student can become a fighter and high achiever, given enough support, instructions, and time to reflect. I also believe that optimism is the best way to go. One definite benefit of quarantine and the switch to forced online learning in mainstream schools has been the revelation of certain problems and pitfalls, which are usually not as obvious or tend to be underestimated. Written before the so-called ‘new norm’ of home offices, compulsory online classes, and social distancing, the articles presented in NUGSERIE Volume 5 Issue 1 are now perhaps more relevant than ever before...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), 2020) Syzdykbayeva Rizagul
    Within the last year or so, the new results of four International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA) programs were released. Let us consider what these programs are, what publications are already available, and what is coming next. International Large-Scale Assessments in education are not only a reliable instrument to assess the effectiveness of education systems of participating countries, but also a provider of robust indicators and analysis of the situation with a focus for further improvement of various aspects of learning and schooling conditions. The study domains of ILSAs are broad: from the assessment of student learning outcomes and adults’ skills to teachers’ working conditions. The results of these studies help us indicate the areas where improvements are needed, learn from other education systems facing similar problems, and develop well-informed policies. What is more, due to the cyclic nature of the studies, it is possible to get trend indicators and measure the effects of certain reforms or other interventions. Having participated in different cycles, Kazakhstan has been now participating in all major ILSA’s...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), 2020) Tazhimbet Guldana
    The education system in Kazakhstan has one single centralized authority at the level of the Ministry of Education (national government). This has a top-down approach, which leaves no space for local education authorities (GorONOs and OblONOs or Education Departments of cities and oblasts) to make autonomous decisions towards their individual aims and initiatives (OECD, 2014; World Bank, 2015). The main goals of Kazakhstan's educational policy regarding the enhancement of the quality of leadership at mainstream schools in the country and head teachers’ expansion in autonomy are outlined in the Republic of Kazakhstan's State Education Development Program (SPED) for 2011-2020 (MoES, 2010) and have a direct impact on the country's school leadership practice (Yakavetz, 2016). This is, in turn, is mirrored in the red tape, rigorous planning system, and weak school manage ment, which are focused mainly on maintaining the status quo. In other words, “velocity” rather than leadership, which is about making a difference and improving performance, or “acceleration”. As the OECD report (2014) highlights “… policies in support of school principals are considerably more limited, despite an anticipated increase in responsibilities for principals in connection with the education reform”...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), 2020) Hooper-Prilipko Arina
    The discussion of advantages of explicit approaches to instruction is ongoing in the field of language teaching and learning, due to the fact that modern education is shifting towards teachers being facilitators of the process of deriving knowledge rather than the sole source of knowledge. Thus, the effect of implicit instruction on students` learning is currently a prominent topic of discussion among researchers. Moreover, its role in adult education is of great interest in research, as adult education is a sphere that has not been tackled enough. Furthermore, with the current asylum seekers situation, world population migration, and the presented need for immigrants’ social assimilation, this sector of education is becoming more relevant as the need for proper qualifications in the job market among new comers arises (Madrigal-Hopes, Villavicencio, Foote, & Green, 2014; Dryden-Peterson, 2016). Moreover, the most pervasive issue that the hosting countries encounter is the language barrier of newly arrived dwellers (Dryden-Peterson, 2016). For this reason, the paper focuses mostly on explicit and implicit approaches predominantly used in language acquisition. As people entering host countries vary in age and, therefore, possibly in their rate of language acquisition, the research also compares two groups of younger and older adult learners and the influence of learning approaches presented to them. Thus, this paper can potentially assist in finding better approaches that would meet the requirements for improved language acquisition among younger and older adult learners. Concomitantly, the findings could intermediately contribute to learners’ quicker and more successful social assimilation...
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    (NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), 2020) Amirova Aida
    In the past decade, educational reforms have displayed an upsurge of interest in higher education. Promoting quality education has become a high priority issue in academia, as well as in policy-making units. There are many underlying reasons and precedents as to why quality education is of utmost importance in the Kazakhstani context. One of these reasons is the goal related to increasing prestige to become both competitive and attractive within the global network of higher education. Globally, by 2025, there will be an increase in the number of students who enroll in tertiary educational institutions. The expected figure is 263 million students, up from 100 million students in 2000 (Karaim, 2011). If we consider the dynamic nature of today's world, internationalization in edu cation (Ferreira, Vidal, & Vieira, 2014) has given rise to the inbound and outbound mobility of students, which poses multi-dimensional challenges for higher education. Thus, higher education institutions (HEIs) urgently need to meet the expectations of students to obtain quality education and recognize their academic documents within and beyond their geographical boundaries...