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(Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2019) Айт Си Мхамед, Али; Каса, Рита; Сагинтаева, Аида; Воссенштейн, Ганс
В течение последних четырех лет международная команда, состоящая из научных сотрудников и преподавателей Высшей школы образования Назарбаев Университета, а также казахстанских политических деятелей, практиков и представителей заинтересованных сторон, работала над диагностическим анализом приоритетных направлений текущих образовательных реформ в Республике Казахстан. Цель исследования заключается в оказании аналитической поддержки при разработке и осуществлении национальной политики в различных секторах образования. В 2016 году, исходя из обсуждений с представителями государственных органов, лидерами в области образования, практиками и другими заинтересованными сторонами, команда проекта сосредоточилась на изучении вопросов устойчивости университетов к действующей модели финансирования системы высшего образования как на одном из основных приоритетных направлений развития страны. Руководствуясь такими стратегическими программными документами, как «План нации «100 конкретных шагов», «Государственная программа развития образования на 2011-2020 годы», «Государственная программа развития образования и науки на 2016-2019 годы», команда проекта осуществляла сбор и анализ данных посредством организации встреч с практиками, посещала общеобразовательные средние школы, колледжи и университеты по всей стране. Все это позволило получить информацию о состоянии образовательных реформ, а также выявить их сильные и слабые стороны с целью дальнейшей модернизации системы образования в стране. Команда проекта также встретилась с ведущими международными экспертами, которые поделились своим опытом работы над приоритетными темами проекта. В ходе исследования был проведен всесторонний обзор и анализ предыдущих и действующих политик и практик РК. Эти данные легли в основу диагностического отчета ВШО НУ “Разработка стратегических направлений реформирования образования Республики Казахстан на 2015 - 2020 гг.” (2014).
ItemOpen Access
The Effects of Perturbation-Based Training (PBT) on Functional Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Pre-Post Clinical Trial
(Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, 2024-04-03) Karibzhanova, Dilnoza
This study investigates the efficacy of a combined perturbation therapy, delivered simultaneously from the ground and in the transverse plane, to enhance gait stability and functional balance in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy at Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I–II. With a minimum expectation of three participants aged between 14 to 18 years old, our research hypothesizes that combining perturbations will lead to greater improvements in functional balance, endurance, power and Muscle Activation Index. We anticipate that participants receiving combined perturbations will exhibit superior functional balance outcomes. The study employs standard equipment alongside an indigenous autonomous system developed to administer random perturbations to participants. Through this investigation, we aim to determine the effects of perturbations given from the ground and in the transverse plane on postural and functional balance of children with CP to enhance their overall quality of life.
ItemOpen Access
Design of an Industrial Plant for Production of Monoethanolamine Solution for CO2 Capture in Kazakhstan
(Nazarbayev University School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, 2024-04) Ziyabek, Alikhan; Zhaidarbek, Balnur; Kongilkosh, Bek; Jexenov, Daniyar; Yessengaziyeva, Karina
Kazakhstan's significant energy reserves, particularly in crude oil and coal, position it as a major global energy producer. However, the expansion of these natural resources has led to significant environmental degradation. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, this Capstone project focuses on designing an efficient and cost-effective production process for a monoethanolamine (MEA) solution, crucial for carbon capture. The project covers selecting the optimal manufacturing pathway, product specifications, reaction kinetics, catalyst choices, equipment design, plant location, and economic analysis. MEA will be produced by reacting ammonia with ethylene oxide using water as a catalyst, targeting an annual production of 68.5 kilotonnes of 30 wt% MEA solution. Validated through Aspen and Python-based simulations, the design includes detailed process flow diagrams and equipment specifications. The plant, to be located in the Pavlodar region, shows a net present value of USD 149.5 million with a 4.15-year payback period. Future enhancements could involve producing diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA), ammonia recycling, and water use optimization.
ItemOpen Access
Parking Assistance Application using IoT Devices and Machine Learning on the Edge
(Nazarbayev University School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, 2024-04-20) Amangeldina, Aruzhan; Tuleshov, Zhanabek; Baimukhanov, Batyrkhan; Saduakhas, Ruana
Traditional parking management systems are inefficient in monitoring large scaled parking slot. This study addresses the growing issue of urban parking inefficiency, where drivers waste significant time searching for vacant spots. This problem is tackled by deploying edge devices in the parking lot, equipped with compact convolutional neural networks for real-time analysis. To evaluate performance, three models (mAlexNet224, mAlexNet32, and Mohan's model) were chosen from other research or adapted for this task. These models were then tested in a simulated parking lot environment on OpenMV or Raspberry Pi depending on the model's input size. While mAlexNet224 on Raspberry Pi achieved the best accuracy among the tested models, other lightweight models running on OpenMV also delivered satisfactory results, exceeding 90\% in accuracy. Based on the results of the study, mAlexNet32 and Mohan's model on OpenMV's camera appear well-suited for real-world deployment and the affordability of OpenMV devices further strengthens this case.
ItemOpen Access
The Reflection on the Course “Management of Educational Organizations"
(Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 7(1), 2024) Alexandrova, Gulnara
In the reflective paper of the course Management of Higher Education, I want to highlight some experiences I have had. Additionally, the paper reflects on some top ics and guest lecturers’ professional experience which was informative and valuable for me personally and pro fessionally. The process of internally analyzing and in vestigating a problem that has been brought about by an experience, which clarifies and produces meaning in terms of the self, and which leads to a shift in conceptu al perspective, is called reflective learning (Boyd & Fales, 1983). This reflection includes four main themes: budg eting, marketing, human resources, and group project work. In the course, I have learned all these aspects the oretically and practically.