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NU Research Week - II

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NU Research Week - II


These proceedings present abstract of the projects conducted at Nazarbayev University and presented at the NU Research Week-II conference which was held in Astana on November 24-28, 2014. The purpose of the conference was to present the research conducted at NU, as well as to foster links for collaboration. This event also gave an opportunity for undergraduate, Master and PhD students to familiarise themselves with the variety of research topics available at NU and meet with their participants. During the Conference over 200 papers were presented. They focus on flagship programs within the three strategic multi-disciplinary thematic pillars: 1) Healthier and longer life; 2) Earth observation, exploration and conservation; 3) Socio-economic development. These pillars leverage the institutional strengths, and are aligned to the needs and strategic directions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with an expectation of exciting discoveries at the research frontiers.

Cоңғы басылымдар

  • Kaneda, M. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    In 2003, V. I. Paulsen and I denned the ternary subspace of an operator space as the intersection of the space and the adjoint of its quasi-multiplier space. Recently, M. Neal and B. Russo defined the completely symmetric ...
  • Kerimray, A.; Kolyagin, I.; Suleimenov, B.; De Miglio, R.; Tosato, G.C. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Climate change, energy safety, energy resources scarcity issues require policies and measures which are based quantitative and qualitative assessment of the whole chain of the energy system starting from extraction to ...
  • Almukhambetova, A. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Government support of gifted children in Kazakhstan is based in understanding human capital as a main component of the country's further successful economic development. In 2009, the government of Kazakhstan launched a ...
  • Yessenbayev, Zh.; Karabalayeva, M.; Sharipbayev, A.; Shamayeva, F.; Saparkhojayev, N.; Kalibekov, M.; Yapanel, U. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    The proposed project is dedicated to developing a prototype of an intelligent voice system with an interactive dialog mode in the Kazakh language for call-centers, information desks and dispatching services. Mathematical ...
  • Yelekenova, A.; Bektur, C.; Nurgozhin, T. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    This study is aimed to determine cost-effectiveness of vildagliptin in comparison with sitagliptin for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) from the perspective of Ministry of Health of the ...
  • Tyler, B. J. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    This project will result in design tools and technologies that will facilitate the creation of complex, heterogeneous systems that meet requirements. From a more pure-research perspective, this project will also lay the ...
  • Subramanian, V.; Celly, N. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    One of the more important trends in global business has been the rapid and widespread internationalization of firms from so-called Emerging Markets. In this paper, we seek to first describe and then theoretically explain ...
  • Mgbere, C.; Pantouvakis, J. P.; Sadri, S. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Cognitive readiness (CR) in construction is the mental, emotional and interpersonal skills that relate to the way project teams perceive, remember, think, speak and solve problems. CR compliments the necessary technical ...
  • Shilov, N. V. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Almost half of a century has passed since Robert W. Floyd published the first research that explicitly discussed formally how to assign meaning to programs. But recently David L. Parnas have called Really Rethinking ...
  • Shilov, N. V. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    This research has been supported by Nazarbayev University Seed Grant KF-14/16 "Research of Formal Models for analysis of programs with Dynamic Memory".
  • Schenk, C. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Despite a visa-free regime among all CIS countries, Russia has become increasingly restrictive in its policies regulating migrants" access to the labor market. In particular, Russia instituted a quota in 2007 that regulates ...
  • Sagintayeva, A. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    This study presents a roadmap report of current developments in the academic system of Kazakhstan. The report puts forward comprehensive reforms for the way the Kazakhstan educational system is developed, organised and ...
  • Rysbekkyzy, G. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    This study analyzed beginning teachers" drop-out in secondary schools in Kazakhstan. As Heller (2004) reported, 29 percent of beginning teachers leave schools within first three years, and 39 percent of them drop out by ...
  • Shellington, W. A.; Rizvi, M.; Humphries, T. O.; Morsi, R. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [1], computer science professions are among the fastest growing occupations in the U.S., and computer science occupations will add more than half a million new jobs in the ...
  • Parmenter, L.; Sparks, J.; Sagintayeva, A.; Li, A.; Ashirbekov, A.; Jumakulov, Z. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Applying theories of internationalization, organization structures, and policy transfer, this research examined institutional engagement with internationalization by higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, and ...
  • Nurpeissova, A.; Almukhambetova, A.; Makhmutova, A.; Soltanbekova, A.; Mukhamejanova, D.; Tolesh, F.; Smanova, G.; Karabassova, L.; Tazabek, Sh.; Jumagulova, T.; Tursunbayeva, X. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    The Graduate School of Education was launched in 2012. Its PhD program is designed for students, who "are committed to taking a leadership role in educational reform and management in Kazakhstan" (NU website). In 2014 ...
  • O'Callaghan, R.; Yergozha, L. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Entrepreneurship remains a priority in most economies, and particularly so in Kazakhstan as recognized in the 2050 Strategy document proclaimed by President Nazarbayev. Evidence shows that the growth engines of an economy ...
  • Hsu1, C.; Novoselov, K.; Wang, R. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    We study the joint effect of CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism on firm performance and value. Successful innovation involves trial and error. An overconfident CEO is more willing to initiate daring investment ...
  • Mukhametzhanova, A. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    The importance of employability skills has been discussed in Kazakhstan in one form or another. An important direction of current reforms in higher education in Kazakhstan is the relevance of the graduate employability ...
  • Akhmetova, A.; Akhmetova, D.; Amirova, B.; Azzatiyeva, M.; Bainazarov, T.; Baizhanov, Y.; Balgabekova, D. (Nazarbayev University, 2014)
    Students face challenges during the first year at university. Some students find it difficult to adapt to the new environment, while others have a smoother transition to university life. Master program students at Graduate ...

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