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  • Issabekova, A.; Zhunussova, M.; Zhumabekova, M.; Ogay, V. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: In Kazakhstan, death from colorectal cancer is on the leading position among cancer-related deaths in the population, and since 2013 colorectal cancer is one of the three cancer diseases subject to the ...
  • Nazarova, L.; Tolegen, N.; Bayanova, M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction. Database on hereditary diseases is one of the main tasks of healthcare. Register of hereditary pathology allows to assess accurately the frequency of childbirths with various hereditary diseases and congenital ...
  • Zauatbayeva, G.; Tolegen, N.; Bayanova, M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a disease of the hematopoietic system caused by a violation of certain functions of the bone marrow. The disease is characterized by excessive proliferation of white blood ...
  • Zhalmagambetov, B.; Crape, Byron (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction. In 2011some of the residents of Kalachi were afflicted with a sudden acute syndrome, where they would abruptly fall into an immediate abnormal sleep. These episodes of losing consciousness could happen ...
  • Kozhakhmetova, S.; Zholdybayeva, E.; Atavliyeva, S.; Tarlykov, P.; Mukhtarova, K.; Syzdykov, T.; Khasenov, R.; Ramankulov, E. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Modern intra-abdominal infections are characterized by rapidly growing antibiotic resistance. Gram-negative bacillus B.fragilis is one of the dominating anaerobic pathogens. Thus this research aims to study ...
  • Turdalina, B.R.; Bayesheva, D.A.; Seydullaeva, A.Zh.; Omarova, A.K.; Esimkhanova, G.O.; Zhumabek, P. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Bronchiolitis is most common in children under the age of 9 months in (90% of cases). Every year, 150 million cases of bronchiolitis are recorded in the world, 7-13% of which require inpatient treatment and ...
  • Zhurko, S.; Olzhayev, F.; Gamzaev, A.; Fedorov, S.; Pimenova, P. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: We have evaluated the results of using stabilized autopericardium for the correction of the mitral valve (MV) defects in patients with degenerative heart diseases. Methods: For the period from 2017-2019, ...
  • Uakhit, R.; Tolegen, N.; Bayanova, M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Microdeletion syndromes are an extensive group of diseases affecting various organs and systems. These diseases are caused by deletions of small sections of chromosomes. Previously, most microdeletion ...
  • Абзалиева, Д.С.; Джаканова, М.Т. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Концепция ВОЗ о производственно-обусловленных болезнях открывает новые подходы для профилактики болезней трудоспособного возраста. В основе развития медицины труда, как системы в современном ее понимании, лежит теория ...
  • Гурин, А.Н. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Институт Ядерной Физики основной производитель изотопов медицинского назначения в Республике Казахстан, который является научной и производственной базой, осуществляющей полный жизненный цикл от разработки технологий ...
  • Джаканова, М.Т. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Ядерная медицина – это один из разделов клинической медицины, который использует для диагностики и лечения заболеваний радиофармацевтические лекарственные препараты, которые имеет в составе одно или несколько радионуклида, ...
  • Дустов, А. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Мезенхимальные клетки CD133 были обогащены с использованием магнитного микробусиново- го антитела против CD133 из мононуклеарных клеток костного мозга (BMMNCs). Анализ с помощью проточной цитометрии и иммуноцитохимического ...
  • Рыскулова, Г.О.; Джаканова, М.Т. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Введение. По данным ВОЗ, ежегодно диагноз «рак» ставят 14 млн человек в мире. К 2020 году прогнозируется, что количество больных увеличится до 19 млн. В Казахстане ежедневно выявляется 100 новых случаев онкологических ...
  • Begimbetova, Dinara; Baiskhanova, Dinara (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Over the past decade, the use of mobile phones in many countries of the world has increased by almost 100%, and this increase has raised concerns about possible risks to human health. In addition to the ...
  • Bakhtin, M.M.; Kashkinbaev, Ye.T.; Aumalikova, M.N.; Ibrayeva, D.S.; Sharipov, M.K.; Kazymbet, P.K. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: The results of the assessment of the radiation situation of the workplace, the dose burden of medical personnel, as well as the results of monitoring the operational parameters of X-ray radiological units ...
  • Nauruzbayev, D.K.; Goldberg, V.Z.; Nurmukhanbetova, A.K.; La Cognata, M.; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, P.; Golovkov, M.S.; Cherubini, S.; Gulino, M.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, R.G.; Spartà, R.; Tumino, A.; Serikov, A.; Gazeeva, E.M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Recently, first measurements of 17O+alpha resonance scattering were performed in Astana [1]. These measurements revealed a very strong group of the states in the vicinity of a high energy limit of data [1]. These resonances ...
  • Hoshi, Masaharu (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Starting with the first Soviet nuclear test on August 29, 1949, 456 nuclear tests were repeated in the 40 years to October 19, 1989. As a result, it is estimated that at least hundreds of thousands of people are affected ...
  • Higashi, Tatsuya (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Targeted Radioisotope Therapy (TRT) is known as a radiotherapy using cytotoxic radioisotopes which are administered orally or intravenously in a patient and accumulate in a targeted organ or a tumor. Recently, QST started ...
  • Вейцман, И.А.; Пергаева, Ю.С.; Андриенко, А.В. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Введение: продолжительность жизни человека неуклонно растет, но вместе с тем увеличиваются и количество age-ассоциированных состояний. Уровень витамина D в сыворотке имеет обратную корреляцию с выраженностью и частотой ...
  • Доскабулова, Д.Т.; Изденова, Н.Р. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Кіріспе: Health Behavior in school-aged children (HBSC) - мектеп жасындағы балалар мен жасөспірім- дердің денсаулығына қатысты әлеуметтік жағдайын бағалау мақсатында жүргізілетін зерттеу. HBSC - 11,13,15 жас аралығындағы ...

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