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Endometrial histology in severely obese bariatric surgery candidates: an exploratory analysis

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dc.contributor.author Kaiyrlykyzy, Aiym
dc.contributor.author Freese, Kyle E.
dc.contributor.author Elishaev, Esther
dc.contributor.author Bovbjerg, Dana H.
dc.contributor.author Ramanathan, Ramesh
dc.contributor.author Hamad, Giselle G.
dc.contributor.author McCloskey, Carol
dc.contributor.author Althouse, Andrew D.
dc.contributor.author Huang, Marilyn
dc.contributor.author Edwards, Robert P.
dc.contributor.author Linkov, Faina
dc.creator Aiym, Kaiyrlykyzy
dc.date.accessioned 2017-12-22T04:20:42Z
dc.date.available 2017-12-22T04:20:42Z
dc.date.issued 2015-05-01
dc.identifier DOI:10.1016/j.soard.2014.12.010
dc.identifier.citation Aiym Kaiyrlykyzy, Kyle E. Freese, Esther Elishaev, Dana H. Bovbjerg, Ramesh Ramanathan, Giselle G. Hamad, Carol McCloskey, Andrew D. Althouse, Marilyn Huang, Robert P. Edwards, Faina Linkov, Endometrial histology in severely obese bariatric surgery candidates: an exploratory analysis, In Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 653-658
dc.identifier.issn 15507289
dc.identifier.uri https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550728914004924
dc.identifier.uri http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3026
dc.description.abstract Abstract BackgroundEndometrial pathology risk has been linked to obesity; however, little is known of its prevalence in severely obese women not seeking care for endometrial pathology associated symptoms. This pilot study was designed to explore the frequency and risk factors associated with endometrial pathology in cancer-free, severely obese, bariatric surgery candidates using the Pipelle endometrial sampling technique (SureFlex Preferred Curette, Bioteque America, Inc, New Taipei City, Taiwan). MethodsTwenty-nine severely obese bariatric surgery candidates with intact uteruses and no history of endometrial cancer or endometrial ablation were included in this subanalysis from a larger cohort of 47. Endometrial samples were obtained using a Pipelle endometrial suction curette at a single time point before surgery. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between body mass index and endometrial pathology when adjusting for age and race. ResultsOf the 29 successful biopsies, 8 (27.6%) were classified as abnormal endometrium: 1 was classified as complex atypical hyperplasia, 1 was classified as hyperplasia without atypia, 4 samples were identified with endometrial polyps, and 2 samples were identified with metaplasia. None presented with cancer. Increasing body mass index was significantly associated with higher risk of abnormal endometrium (OR = 1.19, 95% CI [1.03–1.36], P = .01). ConclusionsThe findings in this sample suggest that obesity may be associated with increased risk of having undiagnosed endometrial pathology. More thorough examination of relationships between levels of obesity and endometrial pathology are needed to better characterize high cancer risk groups who may benefit from introducing new screening measures.
dc.relation.ispartof Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
dc.subject Bariatric surgery
dc.subject Endometrial cancer
dc.subject Endometrial hyperplasia
dc.subject Endometrial polyps
dc.subject Obesity
dc.subject Pipelle sampling
dc.title Endometrial histology in severely obese bariatric surgery candidates: an exploratory analysis
dc.type Article
dc.rights.license Copyright © 2015 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
dcterms.publisher Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
elsevier.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.soard.2014.12.010
elsevier.identifier.eid 1-s2.0-S1550728914004924
elsevier.identifier.pii S1550-7289(14)00492-4
elsevier.identifier.scopusid 84931571656
elsevier.identifier.pubmedid 25820079
elsevier.volume 11
elsevier.issue.identifier 3
elsevier.coverdate 2015-05-01
elsevier.coverdisplaydate May–June 2015
elsevier.startingpage 653
elsevier.endingpage 658
elsevier.openaccess 0
elsevier.openaccessarticle false
elsevier.openarchivearticle false
elsevier.teaser Endometrial pathology risk has been linked to obesity; however, little is known of its prevalence in severely obese women not seeking care for endometrial pathology associated symptoms. This pilot study...
elsevier.aggregationtype Journal

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