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EHELF-2015: Recent submissions

  • Hartley, Matthew (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06)
    Over the several years I have led a research team from the University of Pennsylvania and Nazarbayev University along with my co-principal investigator from Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, Dr. Aida ...
  • Sagintayeva, A. (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06)
    At the end of the first day of the Forum, I hope we may come to an agreement that employability is an increasingly relevant performance indicator for universities. Traditionally the expectation has been that universities ...
  • Sarinzhipov, Aslan (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015)
    I would like to welcome you once again in Astana at Nazarbayev University at this important event and a good tradition of annual meetings of national and international experts in the field of education – the fourth Eurasian ...
  • Hayward, Geoff (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06)
    There is now general agreement that high quality primary education is a key component of economic success in a globalizing knowledge economy. High quality general secondary education also seems essential for economic growth ...
  • Bridges, David (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06-11)
    This short presentation commented on three issues relating to students’ transition from school to higher education: selection; curriculum and teacher training. In all cases the observations point towards the crucial ...
  • Kassim-Lakha, Shamsh (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06)
    My presentation basically will follow the outline. Why should universities respond to the job market? What are the implications for future jobs and higher education? Higher education in Central Asia and the market demand. ...
  • Mambetkaziyev, Yerezhep (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015)
    In his national address “Nurly Zhol”, President Nursultan Nazarbayev reiterated the need to achieve the quality of education that can affect the whole future destiny of the country. Undoubtedly, over the years of independence, ...
  • Gazaliyev, Arstan; Pak, Yuri (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015)
    This paper discusses issues of developing national and branch frameworks of qualifications. It provides ways of overcoming the existing gap between requirements of the labour market and employee’s competences. It also ...
  • O’Donnell, Loretta (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015)
    Universities are increasingly aware that graduate employment is a critical measure of success, scrutinized by students, graduates, parents and employers. In this context, graduate employment incorporates students who become ...
  • Miller, Tim (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015)
    The reason my first piece of guidance is to plan your career and seek advice is because that is what worked for me. When I was in high school and thinking about what I would like to so one day, I thought it would be great ...
  • Salmi, Jamil (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06-11)
  • Madeyev, Sabyrzhan (2015)
    Implementation of the State Programme of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is impossible without a developed system of professional education, which targets to train specialists in order ...
  • Froumin, Isak (2015)
    Hardly more than five years ago there was no Nazarbayev University in Astana, but now Eurasian Higher Education Leaders’ Forum is being held there. That shows that some magnitude has changed recently. At the same time I ...
  • Goertz, Rainer (2015)
    Let me start with a brief story: “In the early morning a school inspector drives his car to a village in order to visit a village school. Half the way and amid open fields the motor of his car fails. For having no technical ...
  • Bennett, Sue (2015)
    During the Forum, we heard from many practitioners and experts from government, employers and universities across the world. Four themes emerged repeatedly, although they were often expressed from different viewpoints, and ...
  • Sagintayeva, A.; Kurakbayev, Kairat (2015)
    These conference proceedings represent voices of academia, students, employers and labour market on perspectives and issues of graduates’ employability. As the academic world tries to grasp its ways of drawing closer ties ...
  • Nurmanbetova, Jamilya (2015)
    Glocal people are needed in all fields of life-sustaining activity as business, industry, education, health, environment, technologies. To develop glocal people is the key aim the world higher education system is intending ...
  • Ruby, Alan (2015)
    Employability is a relatively new concept. The notion that post school educational institutions should play some role in preparing young people for employment really only came into focus as participation increased and the ...
  • Ramakrishna, Seeram (2015)
    The total enrolments in more than 20,000 universities and tertiary education providers around the world are in the range of 200 million students. One in five students are enrolled in technology related disciplines. Various ...
  • Naizabekov, Abdrakhman (2015)
    The Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” notes the need to create a network of public-private partnership for the development of higher education system. In the State Programme of Education Development for 2011-2020 an important ...