The Comparative Advantages Of Kazakhstan In The Global Space Industry

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Kangozhin, Ilyas
Zhekey, Bakhyt
Koldassov, Aidos

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Nazarbayev University Graduate School Of Public Policy


This project aims to identify the comparative advantage of the Baikonur cosmodrome in the global space industry. The project study includes the prospects for the development of the Baikonur cosmodrome as a community and aerospace center. The research analysis focuses on the Baikonur cosmodrome’s financing, technological, scientific utilization and identification of comparative advantages of the cosmodrome based on comparative advantage framework. The recommendations suggest to increase financing, promote private sector participation and further international engagement. Currently, Russian Federation is one of the active international participant. The research findings observed that the Baikonur cosmodrome has four comparative advantages such as its geographic location, reliable technologies, skilled workforce and potential area for international cooperation. This paper aimed to provide Baikonur cosmodrome’s comparative advantages in comparison with other international space ports.



Baikonur cosmodrome, global space industry


The Comparative Advantages Of Kazakhstan In The Global Space Industry. Ilyas Kangozhin, Bakhyt Zhekey, Aidos Koldassov. 2018. Nazarbayev University Graduate School Of Public Policy