Kazakh mythic names

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Agabekova, Zhazira

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Human names have a significant role in the history of humanity. However, it cannot be considered that history started from the moment when names had started being known. It is important to take into consideration mythic characters in mythological system. In this case spreading mythic characters without names is as hard as spreading myths without characters. This means that character names is the base of formation of the notion about mythological system. As well as in other countries, in Kazakh history different models of human names and the system of names that demonstrate national existence were formed. There is a tradition of giving name to a newborn child that is only intrinsic for Kazakh people. This means that Kazakh anthroponomy is distinctively significant evidence of congenital characteristics of Kazakh people, traditional Kazakh world outlook, ideology, political and social conditions in historical periods, a lifestyle closely linked to the ecosystem, and even environment and animals. The importance of Kazakh anthroponymy is that high, that it is not enough to consider it only as one of the evidences of the ethnos formation, it also should be considered that anthroponomy is a significant historical and spiritual step in arranging and settling the inherent nature of Kazakh nation that started their own way of development. It is also possible to see what beliefs Kazakh people hold, what political and ideological beliefs they were dependent on, what aspects they tried to imitate when giving names referring to historical reasons. Every literate person must understand that names such as Bitkoz, Bokbasar, Tezek, Kotibar that have negative meaning or such as Sovetkhan, Kolkhozbek, Sovkhozbek, Democrat, Decret, Mels (Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin), Kim (Communistic International of Youth), Renat (Revolution-Science-Work), Leninshil, Maskeubay, Oktyabr, Syezbek, Orysbay, Chapai, Ernest, Clara, Roza, Zhanna, Gulzhana, Asema, Gulnara are not appropriate for fresh minded, free spirited and independent Kazakh people. This means that when giving name to a newborn child it is not right to selfishly 147 choose the name, but it is important to take into account that he is the part of Kazakh ethnos. This is one way of serving to the national distinctiveness, independence and freedom.



Onomastics, mythology, anthroponymy


Agabekova, Zhazira. (2018) KAZAKH MYTHIC NAMES. INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL ASIA SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS BOOK "Migration, Poverty and Identity”. Bishkek.: 2018. – 1292 s.
