Analysis of protector mechanism of probiotics using DNA comet assay

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Zhulamanova, A.
Shakhabayeva, G.
Saduakhasova, S.
Kozhakhmetov, S.
Kushugulova, A.

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Nazarbayev University


Ecology affects human organism by causing breaks in DNA and, therefore, induce mutations and malignant cell formation. Comet assay is a quantitative method that allows to measure DNA damage in eukaryotic cells (Liao, McNutt, & Zhu, 2009). This method is widely used in areas, such as human biomonitoring, genotoxicology, and ecology. Comet assay is also called a single-cell gel electrophoresis. Thus, the products of electrophoresis are analyzed under the fluorescent light, which makes it similar to comets. DNA strand breaks are detected by comparing the intensity of the comet tail relative to the head (Collins, 2004). Probiotics containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus were used, as Lactobacilli probiotics were found to be safe and effective against urogenital diseases, food hypersensitivity, and dental caries (Lebeer, Vanderleyden, & De Keersmaeckler, 2008). The aim of the research was to study DNA protector mechanism for three probiotic products, containing L. rhamnosus.



ecology, human organism, DNA, comet assay, eukaryotic cells, biomonitoring, genotoxicology, gel electrophoresis, electrophoresis, fluorescent light, probiotics
