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  • Ахметова, К.; Бенберин, В.; Вощенкова, Т.; Дробченко, Е.; Нагимтаева, А. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: The prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its associated costs continue to increase. CVDs are known as the leading cause of death. This takes the life of 17.7 million people annually, which is 31% ...
  • Ulyanova, O.; Baigenzhin, A.; Askarov, M.; Kozina, L.; Karibekov, T.; Taubaldieva, Zh.; Serebrennikova, D.; Boltanova, A. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Type 1diabetes mellitus (T1DM) remains one of the main public healthcare problems worldwide with a tendency to steady growth. T1DM leads to kidney failure, blindness, heart attacks and strokes, which account ...
  • Ташенов, С.А.; Баешева, Д.А.; Сейдуллаева, А.Ж.; Нуртазина, Г.Г. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: The most common clinical option in the structure of enterovirus infection is serous meningitis, which accounts for up to 70% of all neuroinfections in children. Considering that at present, meningitis of ...
  • Zauatbayeva, G.; Tolegen, N.; Bayanova, M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a disease of the hematopoietic system caused by a violation of certain functions of the bone marrow. The disease is characterized by excessive proliferation of white blood ...
  • Sibagatova, A.; Benberin, V.; Karabayeva, R.; Vochshenkova, T.; Nagimtayeva, A.; Akhmetova, K.; Babenko, D. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in Kazakhstan. Among all CVDs, hypertension is the most common and leads to remodeling of myocardium, which significantly increases cardiovascular ...
  • Nurgozhina, A.; Yermekbayeva, B.; Gulyayev, A.; Kozhakhmetov, S.; Sergazy, S.; Nurgaziyev, M.; Aitenov, Y.; Chulenbayeva, L.; Tuyakova, A.; Kushugulova, A. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease characterized by patches of abnormal skin. 183 participants in the experiment were selected for the study, half of which are with psoriasis disease. All participants in the ...
  • Nauruzbayev, D.K.; Goldberg, V.Z.; Nurmukhanbetova, A.K.; La Cognata, M.; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, P.; Golovkov, M.S.; Cherubini, S.; Gulino, M.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, R.G.; Spartà, R.; Tumino, A.; Serikov, A.; Gazeeva, E.M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Recently, first measurements of 17O+alpha resonance scattering were performed in Astana [1]. These measurements revealed a very strong group of the states in the vicinity of a high energy limit of data [1]. These resonances ...
  • Kozhakhmetov, S.; Babenko, D.; Tuyakova, A.; Nurgaziyev, M.; Nurgozhina, A.; Muhanbetganov, N.; Chulenbayeva, L.; Sergazy, S.; Gulyayev, A.; Kushugulova, A. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Microflora plays a critical role in the initiation and development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There are many facts accumulated about the effect of intestinal dysbiosis on the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease and ...
  • Hoshi, Masaharu (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Starting with the first Soviet nuclear test on August 29, 1949, 456 nuclear tests were repeated in the 40 years to October 19, 1989. As a result, it is estimated that at least hundreds of thousands of people are affected ...
  • Akilzhanova, A.; Guelly, C.; Abilova, Zh.; Rakhimova, S.; Akhmetova, A.; Kairov, U.; Trajanoski, S.; Akilzhanova, G.; Kozhamkulov, U.; Abdrakhmanov, A.; Bekbosynova, M. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction:Ventricular arrhythmias are caused by mutations of ion channels and their interacting proteins. Most arrhythmia syndromes are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, such that first-degree family members ...
  • Ogay, V.B. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arterial intima characterized by the formation of athermanous plaques leading to the occlusion of arteries. In these regards, atherosclerosis is at the core of ...
  • Karabayev, Daniyar; Molkenov, Askhat; Yerulanuly, Kaiyrgali; Daniyarov, Asset; Sharip, Aigul; Seisenova, Ainur; Zhumadilov, Zhaxybay; Kairov, Ulykbek (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: High-throughput sequencing platforms generate a massive amount of high-dimensional genomic datasets that are available for analysis. Modern and user-friendly bioinformatics tools for analysis and interpretation ...
  • Жалбинова, М.Р.; Рахимова, С.Е.; Бекбосынова, М.С.; Андосова, С.А.; Акильжанова, А.Р. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Nowadays, implantation of the left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is the alternative way for the treatment of chronic heart failure in Kazakhstan at the National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, since ...
  • Kairov, Ulykbek; Molkenov, Askhat; Rhie, Arang; Rakhimova, Saule; Yoo, Seong-Keun; Kozhamkulov, Ulan; Sharip, Aigul; Akhmetova, Ainur; Abilmazhinova, Aliya; Zhalbinova, Madina; Yerezhepov, Dauren; Zhabagin, Maxat; Shin, Jeongeon; Kharchenko, Peter; Kim, Jong-Il; Lee, Joseph; Seo, Jeong-Sun; Akilzhanova, Ainur; Zhumadilov, Zhaxybay (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Kazakhstan is the multi-ethnic country with the dominant Kazakh ethnic group in the middle of the Eurasian continent. All existing human genetic diversity datasets are only partial representations of worldwide ...
  • Sharip, A.; Rakhimova, S.; Molkenov, A.; Kozhamkulov, U.; Zhukov, Y.; Omarov, M.; Akilzhanova, A.; Kairov, U. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer worldwide and sixth in Kazakhstan. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the predominant histological subtype of esophageal cancer and diagnosed at ...
  • Sharip, A.; Rakhimova, S.; Molkenov, A.; Kozhamkulov, U.; Zhukov, Y.; Omarov, M.; Akilzhanova, A.; Kairov, U. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Introduction: Esophageal cancer is the sixth most common cancer in Kazakhstan, and usually not detected until it has progressed to an advanced incurable stage. The predominant histological subtype of esophageal cancer ...
  • Ахпаров, Н.Н.; Оспанова, Ж.О.; Сулейманова, С.Б. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Введение. Интерес к изучению ГЭРБ в детском возрасте обусловлен неуклонным ростом, опасностью развития возможных осложнений (рефлюкс-эзофагита, пептической стриктурой, эрозий и кровотечений, пищевод Барретта), представляя ...
  • Ахпаров, Н.Н.; Оспанова, Ж.О.; Сулейманова, С.Б.; Оразалинов, А.Ж. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Врожденные пороки и аномалии развития желудочно-кишечного тракта у детей в настоящее время представляют собой, пожалуй, один из самых сложных разделов детской хирургии. Большой диспут у практических врачей вызывают ...
  • Джаканова, М.Т. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Ядерная медицина – это один из разделов клинической медицины, который использует для диагностики и лечения заболеваний радиофармацевтические лекарственные препараты, которые имеет в составе одно или несколько радионуклида, ...
  • Доскабулова, Д.Т.; Изденова, Н.Р. (International conference "MODERN PERSPECTIVES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE”; National Laboratory Astana, 2020)
    Кіріспе: Health Behavior in school-aged children (HBSC) - мектеп жасындағы балалар мен жасөспірім- дердің денсаулығына қатысты әлеуметтік жағдайын бағалау мақсатында жүргізілетін зерттеу. HBSC - 11,13,15 жас аралығындағы ...