Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework: How the Colorado School of Mines Adapted Repository Certification Criteria around Local Needs Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework to Address Local Priorities and Goals

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Bongiovanni, Emily
Battelle, Torey
Zecca, Beth

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The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019)


The purpose of this paper is to document the challenges and lessons learned while developing a local international repository (IR) framework at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines). The aim of this exercise was to characterize IR needs, to understand how successfully these needs are being met, and to develop goals for future IR development. The framework was developed with the intention of being used as an instrument for periodical self-assessments, to observe the IR development, and to aid in strategic decision-making. The Mines IR Steering Committee used criteria and guidelines from digital repository certificates, including the Trusted Repositories Audit Certification and CoreTrustSeal, and existing frameworks to develop a local framework tailored to Mines unique institutional needs. This exercise demonstrated the range of perspectives and priorities for the IR among the IR Steering Committee. A brief assessment that tested the framework highlighted the current condition of the IR at Mines and areas for improvement. Librarians and professionals working with IRs can apply observations and lessons learned from the framework development process. This paper offers a case study for developing a local IR framework to help self-assess, strategize, and better characterize ongoing needs for the development of a high-quality IR. Librarians and professionals working with IRs can apply lessons learned to help create a local IR framework at their institution.



Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information science, institutional repository, IR development, assessment


Bongiovanni E., Battelle T. & Zecca B. (2019). Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework: How the Colorado School of Mines Adapted Repository Certification Criteria around Local Needs Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework to Address Local Priorities and Goals. The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019), 30-39.