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  • ItemOpen Access
    (XVI Международная конференция "Интернет и информационно-библиотечные ресурсы в науке, образовании, культуре и бизнесе", 2023-05) Лапо, Пётр
    В статье анализируются текущее состояние и перспективы развития организационной структуры региональной библиотечной системы Центральной Азии для получения синергетического эффекта по реализации международной деятельности библиотек региона, прежде всего, в рамках инициированных Международной федерацией библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений (ИФЛА) глобальных проектов. Системная, планомерная и слаженная работа на всех уровнях региональной библиотечной системы рассматривается как главное условие эффективной международной деятельности библиотек Центральной Азии
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Nazarbayev University library, 2022-10) Manabat, April; Zvonareva, Darya; Arystanova, Lazzat; Kim Sagun-Trajano, Karryl; Arthurs, James; Selous, Gerald; Sundell, Sabine; Houghtaling, Mark; Little, Marcus; Gaptov, Plamen; Yeleussizova, Ainash
    The Conference features 23 distinguished speakers and experts across the globe (USA, Canada, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, the Philippines, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan) demonstrating their experience in creating OA digital collections, repositories and implementing OA technologies in libraries. We featured three keynote presentations: the first keynote speaker, Matthew Voigts (Netherlands, Policy and Research Officer in IFLA), presented his speech with the theme, “Copyright and Publications for the Digital Future: A Global View of Laws, Access and Practice”. The second keynote speaker, Paola Corti (Italy, Open Education Community Manager of SPARC Europe), gave an online presentation on “Ready, Set, Action! ENOEL Librarians at the Crossway of Open Education”. The third keynote speaker, Raymond Uzwyshyn (USA, Director of Collections and Digital Services at Texas State University Libraries), had his speech on the topic “Open Access Data Research Repositories: From Data to Research Ecosystems to Artificial Intelligence”. We also would like to thank our speakers who presented online despite various barriers and life situations in the world. In order to support and develop open access, all presentations and Proceedings of the EALC 2022 conference are placed in the NU Repository, and a video recording of the conference is available on the YouTube channel of the NU Library.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (International Conference of Asian Special Libraries, 2021-11-24) Prabowo, Thoriq Tri; Manabat, April; Manabat, April
    From a historical perspective, Islamic libraries have a unique role, starting from being a center for learning, research and translation up to being a hub of technological innovations. As technology develops, they are transformed into modern libraries that are adaptive to technology. Since the pandemic hit Indonesia, Islamic libraries, especially in the academic realm, have also been adapting to provide extensive library services to their patrons. This study aims to describe the role of Islamic academic libraries in Indonesia amid the pandemic. These observations were focused on the social media owned by the library, specifically their Instagram (IG) accounts. Three IG accounts of Islamic academic libraries in Indonesia were observed in this study: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library, UII Library, and UMY Library. The three libraries were considered to represent the characteristics of Islamic academic libraries in Indonesia. This study will be observing the volume and variant of the libraries’ posting materials during the last three months (September-November 2020) in Instagram. Aside from this, user engagement will be measured using analytics. In addition, this study will describe the role of Islamic academic libraries in Indonesia in socializing and disseminating the dangers and prevention of COVID-19 which can serve as a model for evaluation for other libraries against the pandemic.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (O`zbekiston Milliy Kutubxonasi, 2021-05) Lapo, Piotr
    В статье обосновывается и анализируется участие университетской библиотеки в разработке «культуры интеллекта» студента, концепции, предложенной Джоном Ньюманом в его книге «Идея университета». Автор ссылается как на публикации других авторов, так и на опыт Библиотеки Назарбаев Университета для иллюстрации своих взглядов.
  • ItemRestricted
    (De La Salle University, 2019-06-20) Manabat, April; Labangon, Donna
    This paper will reposition the DLSU Libraries as one of the key players in the academic community to support knowledge building by providing essential services to push forth lifelong learning. Using the SPEC Kit 326, an established tool kit published by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the paper will document and identify the existing strategies that are in place to help the Libraries continue to reinvent itself in the era of digital humanities. As library development is often tied to technological developments, the paper will also seek to identify gaps in its services to further help improve user satisfaction and maintain its relevance in the emergent era of library 4.0 and digital humanities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2021-02) Yap, Joseph M.
    Human books voluntarily share their life stories with readers to let them understand what they are going through and how they survived their struggles. Speaking up may not be easy for them yet their courage to break stereotypes thrown upon them will be much recognized and accepted in an open and decent dialogue. Just like any other library programming events, human libraries are vividly documented in photographs, videos, social media, newsletters, and activity reports. This research study seeks to explore the role of video sharing sites as a tool to promote library events, specifically human libraries. Existing uploaded playlist videos pertaining to human libraries hosted by academic and public libraries will be the focus of this paper.
  • ItemUnknown
    О приоритетах работы молодежных центров знаний и формах их реализации
    (Костанайская областная универсальная научная библиотека имени Л. Н. Толстого, 2019-10-09) Lapo, Piotr; Лапо, Петр
    Когда та или иная организация выбирает определенные приоритеты и руководствуется ими в своей работе, то они фактически определяют её настоящую и будущую деятельность, представленную в тех или иных формах – формах реализации именно установленных организацией заранее приоритетов. Согласно классическому менеджменту, приоритеты организации деларируются ею в таких выработанных, принятых её коллективом и определяющих её корпоративную культуру обязательных документах, как миссия, видение и ценности организации. В настоящее время время повсеместного внедрения сетевых информационно-коммуникационных технологий наиболее лёгкий путь найти такие документы организации – это зайти на её веб-сайт. Поскольку Концепция развития библиотечного дела Республики Казахстан до сих пор не разработана, а у каждой из публичных библиотек страны могут быть свои миссия, видение и ценности, то для обсуждения в данной статье общих приоритетов в деятельности библиотек на современном этапе развития библиотечного дела представляется вполне уместным воспользоваться «Концепцией по созданию молодежных центров знаний нового формата на основе модернизации региональных библиотек», которая придала несомненный импульс развитию публичных библиотек в стране. Концепция была разработана проектным направлением Центрального совета общественной организации «Жас Отан (Jas Otan)», Молодежного крыла партии «Нур Отан (Nur Otan)», в июле 2018 г., утверждена исполнительным секретарём МК «Жас Отан», ответственным руководителем проекта, Даулетом Керибеком и согласована с Вице-министром культуры и спорта Республики Казахстан А.Р. Раимкуловой в августе 2018 г. и начала реализовываться в сентябре того же года.
  • ItemUnknown
    Putting Kazakhstan on the Library Map: Inclusive, Innovative, and Interconnected Projects in the Land of the Great Steppe
    (Philippine Librarians Association Inc., 2019-11-22) Yap, Joseph M.
    Not much have been heard about the Republic of Kazakhstan when it comes to its people and tradition especially if you are residing in the South East Asian region. Just like other sovereign nations, Kazakhstan’s rich culture and history are preserved in its libraries, archives, and museums. As an economy in transition, this presentation hopes to inspire fellow librarians to advocate for social inclusion in their library programs. It will also provide a preview of ongoing innovative library projects within Kazakhstan. One of which is the goal of the government in developing smart people. Interconnectivity becomes a priority initiative of the country to build smart libraries and smart cities.
  • ItemUnknown
    Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework: How the Colorado School of Mines Adapted Repository Certification Criteria around Local Needs Developing a Personalized Institutional Repository Framework to Address Local Priorities and Goals
    (The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019), 2019-06-06) Bongiovanni, Emily; Battelle, Torey; Zecca, Beth; Metzger, Lawrence; Yap, Joseph M.; Dautova, Anar; Tendik, Yermekpayeva
    The purpose of this paper is to document the challenges and lessons learned while developing a local international repository (IR) framework at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines). The aim of this exercise was to characterize IR needs, to understand how successfully these needs are being met, and to develop goals for future IR development. The framework was developed with the intention of being used as an instrument for periodical self-assessments, to observe the IR development, and to aid in strategic decision-making. The Mines IR Steering Committee used criteria and guidelines from digital repository certificates, including the Trusted Repositories Audit Certification and CoreTrustSeal, and existing frameworks to develop a local framework tailored to Mines unique institutional needs. This exercise demonstrated the range of perspectives and priorities for the IR among the IR Steering Committee. A brief assessment that tested the framework highlighted the current condition of the IR at Mines and areas for improvement. Librarians and professionals working with IRs can apply observations and lessons learned from the framework development process. This paper offers a case study for developing a local IR framework to help self-assess, strategize, and better characterize ongoing needs for the development of a high-quality IR. Librarians and professionals working with IRs can apply lessons learned to help create a local IR framework at their institution.
  • ItemUnknown
    The Power of Content Management Systems: Tools and Solutions to Augment Your Information Literacy and Library Programs (Presentation)
    (National Library of Uzbekistan, 2019-04) Yap, Joseph M.; Mukundan, Ramina
    The paper provides an understanding of a proprietary content management system (CMS) that aims to help librarians in managing virtual reference services. Furthermore, the presentation covers the advantages of having a digital platform where librarians have the opportunity to create and communicate with their patrons in their most convenient time. It is also an avenue for instructional librarians to handle Information Literacy sessions in its most efficient way since IL is already an integral part of reference service.
  • ItemUnknown
    The Power of Content Management Systems: Tools and Solutions to Augment Your Information Literacy and Library Programs
    (National Library of Uzbekistan, 2019-04) Yap, Joseph M.; Mukundan, Ramina
    The paper provides an understanding of a proprietary content management system (CMS) that aims to help librarians in managing virtual reference services. Furthermore, the presentation covers the advantages of having a digital platform where librarians have the opportunity to create and communicate with their patrons in their most convenient time. It is also an avenue for instructional librarians to handle Information Literacy sessions in its most efficient way since IL is already an integral part of reference service.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Role of Medical Libraries in Evidence Based Practice
    (Karaganda State Medical University, 2017-10-02) Dautova, Anar
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Role of Academic Archives: Prospects and Possibilities (The Case of Nazarbayev University)
    (Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan; National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018) Yap, Joseph M.
    This article will take a look on the current status of adapting an academic archives for the Nazarbayev University as the main repository of historical intellectual content, an imprint of institutional legacy, and safeguards a wealth of information that preserves the academe’s social memory.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Медийная и информационная грамотность: современные вызовы для библиотечной профессии
    (Международной научно-практической конференции «Продвижение медийной и информационной грамотности с целью повышения информационной культуры общества в Республике Казахстан. Библиотека имени аль-Фараби, 2016-11-30) Лапо, П.М.
  • ItemOpen Access
    О тенденциях развития современного библиотечного дела
    (Министерство Образования и Науки Республики Казахстан, Павлодарский Государственный Педагогический Институт, 2017-11-25) Lapo, Piotr
  • ItemOpen Access
    Professional Mobility and Institutional Cooperation in Kazakhstan: A Model for Dynamic Library Services in Asia
    (Nazarbayev University, 2017) Alenzuela, Reysa C.
    Globalization is an impetus for broader collaboration and academic mobility. The need for global competitiveness in terms of knowledge and services gave rise to various forms of cooperation from the institutional level to the subsystems like the library. Libraries as key players in building a culture of research and knowledge development need to meet the international standards. This empirical descriptive-narrative shares about the role of institutional cooperation and professional mobility in order for libraries to develop dynamic services and build on the capacity of local practitioners. Insights from vicarious experience as a librarian and internationally patterned services will also be discussed. This hopes to provide a model for developing libraries in Asia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Advocacy for United Libraries: Strategic Vision and Key Initiatives for Preserving Cultural Heritage and Promoting the UN 2030 Agenda
    (Nazarbayev University, 2017) Alenzuela, Reysa C.
    This presentation provides an overview of the global projects and programs of the International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) where libraries in Uzbekistan can participate. Specifically, the discussion will emphasize the four strategic directions: Libraries in Society, Information and Knowledge, Cultural Heritage, and Capacity Building. The session also hopes to increase awareness of librarians on their important role in advocating for the UN 2030 agenda, promoting access to information. Ultimately, it hopes to come up with strategies on how libraries in Uzbekistan can collaborate with other libraries in Central Asia towards more dynamic and meaningful programs related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Защита интересов библиотечных объединений: стратегии видения и ключевые инициативы по сохранности культурного наследия и Повестке дня ООН до 2030 г
    (Назарбаев Университет, 2017) Алензуэла, Рейза К.; Звонарева, Д.
    Представлен обзор глобальных проектов и программ Международной Федерации Библиотечных Ассоциаций (ИФЛА), в которых могут участвовать библиотеки Узбекистана. В частности, акцент сделан на четырех стратегических направлениях: Библиотеки в обществе, Информация и Знание, Культурное наследие, Наращивание потенциала. Целью выступления также является повышение осведомленности библиотекарей об их важной роли в Повестке дня ООН в области устойчивого развития до 2030 г. по вопросу продвижения доступа к информации. В заключении, приводятся примерные виды совместной деятельности библиотек Узбекистана и Центральной Азии для более динамичной и значимой реализации Программ по достижению 17 Целей устойчивого развития
  • ItemOpen Access
    (KAZGUU University. Nazarbayev University, 2017) Alenzuela, Reysa; Groen, Carlene; Kamilova, Yelizaveta; Terzi, Paschalia; Zvonareva, Darya
    An engaged community is a way to build a culture of academic integrity. The challenge to develop institutional policies and practices is that everyone in academia is responsible for collaborating to achieve the outcome. Academic and research libraries play a key role not only in promoting literacy but also integrating academic honesty towards improved research and knowledge exchange. This paper discusses the initiatives of Nazarbayev University Library in supporting academic integrity. The Library has created more than 100 programs related to academic integrity providing various forms of support services to faculty and students, both online and in person. An empirical analysis was conducted to probe the current management system involving the library. The study aimed to determine the library’s extent of collaboration with faculty and the extent of administrative support.