Kazakh Traditions and The Language (based on the Tradition of Hospitality)

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Baiteliyeva, Zhanar

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Global Art Publications, 4th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures: Understanding Culture (ADES-IV), Aurangabad, INDIA


Study of the language of the Kazakh ethnos along with its philosophy, traditions, and beliefs have begun since Kazakhstan gained its independence. As the anthropocentric direction dominating in the linguistics suggests, the thoughts and opinions of any nation on the environment and daily life are expressed in the language. In this regard, the purpose of this report is to show the Kazakh traditions by means of linguistic units preserved in the Kazakh language. The study is based on the linguistic units related to the Kazakh tradition of hospitality. Because one of the main qualities of the Kazakh people as a nation is their hospitality. Apart from this, we will try to answer the following questions in the present report: What types are guests are there according to Kazakhs? What traditions related to the hospitality exist? How well these traditions are preserved nowadays? What opinions have other nations expressed about the Kazakh hospitality?



Traditions, Language, Hospitality


Baiteliyeva, Zhanar. (2017) Kazakh Traditions and The Language (based on the Tradition of Hospitality). Global Art Publications, 4th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures: Understanding Culture (ADES-IV), Aurangabad, INDIA. p2.