Ticket non-issuance by bus conductors: case of Astana

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Yessimkhanov, Medet
Chorieva, Nargiza
Sultanov, Adilbek

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Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Public Policy


This study analyzes the problem of ticket non-issuance in public transport of Astana. Particularly it looks at the relationship between ticket inspections in public buses and the habit of ticket non-issuance among bus conductors. We also examine the influence of the bus passengers’ age and gender on ticket non-issuance by bus conductors. For the purpose of the analysis, the survey among bus riders was conducted on several bus stops of Astana. Our findings suggest inspection frequency is effective in reducing ticket non-issuance instances from bus conductors. However, it does not encourage passengers to demand tickets from bus conductors, nor does it prevent passengers from returning tickets to bus conductors before getting off the bus, which indicates that passengers are not sufficiently penalized for ticketless rides. Age and gender are not statistically significant predictors of conductors’ likelihood of giving tickets, which may be due to an insufficient number of observations. However, both age and gender are significant in predicting whether the rider will ask for a ticket and whether they will be asked to return a ticket.



bus conductor, bus, conductor, Ticket non-issuance


Yessimkhanov, Medet; Chorieva, Nargiza;Sultanov, Adilbek (2018) Ticket non-issuance by bus conductors: case of Astana.Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy.