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The influence of the Lop Nor Nuclear Weapons Test Base to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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dc.contributor.author Zhumadilov, Kassym
dc.contributor.author Ivannikov, Alexander
dc.contributor.author Zharlyganova, Dinara
dc.contributor.author Stepanenko, Valeriy
dc.contributor.author Zhumadilov, Zhaxybay
dc.contributor.author Apsalikov, Kazbek
dc.contributor.author Toyoda, Shin
dc.contributor.author Endo, Satoru
dc.contributor.author Tanaka, Kenichi
dc.contributor.author Miyazawa, Chuzou
dc.contributor.author Okamoto, Tetsuji
dc.contributor.author Hoshi, Masaharu
dc.creator Kassym, Zhumadilov
dc.date.accessioned 2018-01-04T11:12:35Z
dc.date.available 2018-01-04T11:12:35Z
dc.date.issued 2011-04-01
dc.identifier DOI:10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.01.021
dc.identifier.citation Kassym Zhumadilov, Alexander Ivannikov, Dinara Zharlyganova, Valeriy Stepanenko, Zhaxybay Zhumadilov, Kazbek Apsalikov, Shin Toyoda, Satoru Endo, Kenichi Tanaka, Chuzou Miyazawa, Tetsuji Okamoto, Masaharu Hoshi, The influence of the Lop Nor Nuclear Weapons Test Base to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, In Radiation Measurements, Volume 46, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 425-429 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 13504487
dc.identifier.uri https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448711000321
dc.identifier.uri http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3109
dc.description.abstract Abstract The method of electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry was applied to human tooth enamel to obtain estimates of individual absorbed dose for residents of Makanchi, Urdzhar and Taskesken settlements located near the Kazakhstan–Chinese border (about 400 km to the South–East, from the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) and about 1000 km from the Lop Nor Nuclear Weapons Test Base, China). Since the ground and atmospheric nuclear tests (1964–1981) at Lop Nor, the people residing in these settlements are believed to have been heavily exposed to radioactive fallout. Tooth samples had been extracted for medical reasons during the course of ordinary dental treatment. The village of Kokpekty, located 400 km to the South–east of the SNTS, was chosen as the control group since it has not been subjected to any radioactive contamination. The mean excess doses in tooth enamel obtained after subtraction of the contribution of natural background radiation do not exceed 62 ± 28 mGy, 64 ± 30 mGy, 49 ± 27 mGy and −19 ± 36 mGy for all ages of the residents of Makanchi, Urdzhar, Taskesken and the control village of Kokpekty, respectively. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Radiation Measurements en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Radiation Measurements
dc.subject ESR en_US
dc.subject Test site en_US
dc.subject Lop Nor en_US
dc.subject Excess dose en_US
dc.title The influence of the Lop Nor Nuclear Weapons Test Base to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.rights.license Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
elsevier.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.01.021
elsevier.identifier.eid 1-s2.0-S1350448711000321
elsevier.identifier.pii S1350-4487(11)00032-1
elsevier.identifier.scopusid 79953248984
elsevier.volume 46
elsevier.issue.identifier 4
elsevier.coverdate 2011-04-01
elsevier.coverdisplaydate April 2011
elsevier.startingpage 425
elsevier.endingpage 429
elsevier.openaccess 0
elsevier.openaccessarticle false
elsevier.openarchivearticle false
elsevier.teaser The method of electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry was applied to human tooth enamel to obtain estimates of individual absorbed dose for residents of Makanchi, Urdzhar and Taskesken settlements located...
elsevier.aggregationtype Journal
workflow.import.source science

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