Computer simulation and visualization of supersonic jet for gas cluster equipment

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Ieshkin, A.
Ermakov, Y.
Chernysh, V.
Ivanov, I.
Kryukov, I.
Alekseev, K.
Kargin, N.
Insepov, Z.

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Abstract Supersonic nozzle is a key component of a gas cluster condensation system. We describe a flow visualization system using glow discharge with annular or plane electrodes. The geometric parameters of a supersonic jet under typical conditions used in a gas cluster ion beam accelerator are investigated. As well numerical simulations were performed. Dependence of inlet and ambient pressures and nozzle throat diameter on the shock bottle dimensions is described for different working gases. Influence of condensation rate on shock bottle axial size is discussed.



Cluster ions, Flow visualization, Supersonic nozzle


A. Ieshkin, Y. Ermakov, V. Chernysh, I. Ivanov, I. Kryukov, K. Alekseev, N. Kargin, Z. Insepov, Computer simulation and visualization of supersonic jet for gas cluster equipment, In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 795, 2015, Pages 395-398
