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  • ItemOpen Access
    University/industry partnerships: promising practices from the field
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06) Hartley, Matthew
    Over the several years I have led a research team from the University of Pennsylvania and Nazarbayev University along with my co-principal investigator from Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, Dr. Aida Sagintayeva. Together our team has visited 25 universities in seven cities in Kazakhstan learning more about how these institutions and their leaders are responding to higher education reforms. I’d like to offer some reflections on partnerships on the basis of what we’ve seen.
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    Understanding the role of fundamental values in serving a larger purpose
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06) Sagintayeva, A.
    At the end of the first day of the Forum, I hope we may come to an agreement that employability is an increasingly relevant performance indicator for universities. Traditionally the expectation has been that universities will develop the skills of students - particularly technical skills and ‘soft skills’. Supporting Jamil’s statement, I want to suggest that skills are no longer enough.
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    Graduate employability in the 21 st century
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) Sarinzhipov, Aslan
    I would like to welcome you once again in Astana at Nazarbayev University at this important event and a good tradition of annual meetings of national and international experts in the field of education – the fourth Eurasian Higher Education Leaders’ Forum. It is becoming a good platform to discuss all the recent developments in the higher education system.
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    Tvet and career development
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06) Hayward, Geoff
    There is now general agreement that high quality primary education is a key component of economic success in a globalizing knowledge economy. High quality general secondary education also seems essential for economic growth in the modern world. Developing young people’s abilities to play with ideas and information seems to be crucial to technological innovation and imitation of technological innovation.
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    Transition from school to university:some issues for kazakhstan and the wider region
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06-11) Bridges, David
    This short presentation commented on three issues relating to students’ transition from school to higher education: selection; curriculum and teacher training. In all cases the observations point towards the crucial importance of schools and universities working in a close partnership based on mutual respect. The comments were derived primarily from experience and research in Kazakhstan conducted with colleagues from Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education:
  • ItemOpen Access
    Transforming tertiary education for innovation and competitiveness: university of central asia
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06) Kassim-Lakha, Shamsh
    My presentation basically will follow the outline. Why should universities respond to the job market? What are the implications for future jobs and higher education? Higher education in Central Asia and the market demand. This is of course where we are and we must focus on this area. And I would like to present the case of the University of Central Asia as an example of how we have tried to respond or are proposing to respond to this challenge.
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    From a competetive education to the prosperity of the nation
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) Mambetkaziyev, Yerezhep
    In his national address “Nurly Zhol”, President Nursultan Nazarbayev reiterated the need to achieve the quality of education that can affect the whole future destiny of the country. Undoubtedly, over the years of independence, higher school has adapted to the demands of the century. A striking example of this is Nazarbayev University, National Universities and competitive private universities that represent progressive tendencies. These achievements is a considerable merit of my colleagues, talented rectors, worthy of respect of the whole society. The status of rector could actually be equaled to that of member of parliament and requires an adequate attitude. In the hands of the rector is the future of the country.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of national qualification system based on education sphere and labour market interface
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) Gazaliyev, Arstan; Pak, Yuri
    This paper discusses issues of developing national and branch frameworks of qualifications. It provides ways of overcoming the existing gap between requirements of the labour market and employee’s competences. It also provides a definition of the national system of qualifications and the branch system of qualifications and labour functions. It also offers requirements to developing professional standards and shows their importance for forming a university graduate’s competence-based model. A professional standard should be considered as the backbone document for the development of educational programmes aimed at the formation of the key competences providing the demand for graduates in the labour market throughout the life.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Creating employability
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) O’Donnell, Loretta
    Universities are increasingly aware that graduate employment is a critical measure of success, scrutinized by students, graduates, parents and employers. In this context, graduate employment incorporates students who become entrepreneurs as well as those who join professional firms or engage in further study. Some accreditation agencies require that universities seeking accreditation provide data on employability, as measured by salaries of graduates three months after graduation, as an indirect measure of quality (Hunt, 2015). This data is considered as complementary to more direct quality indicators such as programme design, assurance of learning and faculty qualifications (Kelley, Chong and Toi, 2010).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Career planning for future opportunitites
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) Miller, Tim
    The reason my first piece of guidance is to plan your career and seek advice is because that is what worked for me. When I was in high school and thinking about what I would like to so one day, I thought it would be great to be an architect. I thought it would be fascinating to design buildings such as the amazing architecture here in Astana – buildings that would stand for many decades and that millions of people talk about. I spoke to a trusted teacher at school and he asked me to do one very important thing – research the job market for architects. What I found out caused me to change my direction and is the reason I am here today.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The role of tertiary education inaddressing the global skills challenge
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015-06-11) Salmi, Jamil
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    A perspective on future employability
    (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2015) Akdeniz, Alper
    Our theme for this plenary session; Perceptions of Employability, Skills and Individual aspiration in a diversifying economy, is certainly a very interesting and important topic which deserves reflection.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The paradox of emerging universities
    (2015) Jones, Simon
    Knowledge industries are a significant element of 21st Century economies. Over the last 25 years, Universities, the original knowledge industry, have become increasingly important engines of growth and indeed economic enterprises in their own right (National Governors Association, 2001; Ysuf & Nabeshima, 2007; Lane & Johnstone 2012; Shaw, 2013; Breznitz, 2014). Many countries are trying to restructure and re-invigorate their higher education sector in order to ensure pertinence, wealth creation and social cohesion. As we move further into the Asian Century (ADB, 2011; Blumenthal et al, 2015) the understanding that improvements in the higher educational system facilitates economic growth (Jayasuriya, 2012; Lane, 2014; Boys, 2014) has resulted in a wide range of new university models being implemented
  • ItemOpen Access
    The future of graduates in the global labour market
    (2015) Lauder, Hugh
    Dear Minister, colleagues and distinguished guests! Thank you very much for inviting me to give this keynote this morning in these challenging circumstances that we face. Let me also say that it is rare that I have had a Minister of Education with whom I have agreed so wholeheartedly as in this particular case. I think the message here is one, which is actually very pertinent to what I have to say. I would also like to say that this university, I understand, is meant to be a model for the practices of higher educational institutions in this country. I think this particular conference is a model for the rest of the world as well. I have not been to a conference where I have seen the combination of academics, employers and those people who are trying to bring the two together – practitioners in that sense, but in a conference of this size and with so many guest speakers. I thank you very much for inviting me along for this conversation. The message I have to give today is one, which I hope, will set out the challenge and I shall overemphasize it, that means that I shall be polemical and I hope it will provoke some discussion.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Technical skills: through learning and practice?
    (2015) Madeyev, Sabyrzhan
    Implementation of the State Programme of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is impossible without a developed system of professional education, which targets to train specialists in order to meet the real needs of the labor market. Accordingly, the employment of graduates of colleges and universities (and, first and foremost, in the area of their specialty), the level of their wages and their subsequent career are the most important effectiveness indicators of a system of technical and vocational, and higher education. For many jobs in today’s labor market, technical and vocational education is more appropriate and rational than higher education. At the same time, many jobs are becoming technically more complicated, information-rich and require applicants to have effective combination of practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Accordingly, in terms of developing students’ competences and skills, we observe the increase of the convergence of systems of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education.
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    Soviet legasy in higher education: some observations from Russia
    (2015) Froumin, Isak
    Hardly more than five years ago there was no Nazarbayev University in Astana, but now Eurasian Higher Education Leaders’ Forum is being held there. That shows that some magnitude has changed recently. At the same time I am taking away two things today. One of them is the strange phenomenon of nostalgia and a questioning about the essence of the Soviet legacy in higher education. I have to admit that during the last two years our group in Moscow really tried to understand what this legacy is about. When it is said that the Soviet Union had a great education system, what is meant by that precisely? I think that I am not going to give all answers but for sure I can present a few observations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Skills, employability and university graduates?
    (2015) Goertz, Rainer
    Let me start with a brief story: “In the early morning a school inspector drives his car to a village in order to visit a village school. Half the way and amid open fields the motor of his car fails. For having no technical skills the school inspector looks for help. After some while a ten year old boy comes along the road from the direction the inspector has to go. After the boy knows about the problem of the car he opens the bonnet and works a little bit at the carburetor. Minutes later the motor starts again and runs smoothly. The school inspector admires the performance of the young boy but asked him: “Why are you talented boy not at school?” The boy answers: “You must know: Today our school inspector will come to our school. Therefore my teacher has sent all less good students home in order to make a good impression!”
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    Principles learning points
    (2015) Bennett, Sue
    During the Forum, we heard from many practitioners and experts from government, employers and universities across the world. Four themes emerged repeatedly, although they were often expressed from different viewpoints, and with different emphases
  • ItemOpen Access
    Eurasian Higher Education Leaders' Forums (EHELF): Preface
    (2015) Sagintayeva, A.; Kurakbayev, Kairat
    These conference proceedings represent voices of academia, students, employers and labour market on perspectives and issues of graduates’ employability. As the academic world tries to grasp its ways of drawing closer ties of education systems with the real-world labour market, youth unemployment and underemployment has become common across the world especially at times of economic crisis. With 14% of OECD average of youth unemployment (August 2015) and Kazakhstan’s youth unemployment rate of 4.2 % (July, 2015), we are observing more and more debates stressing education policies geared to the labour market and the importance of active labour market policies on both national and international levels.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Practice-oriented learning - a platform for the formation of global skills
    (2015) Nurmanbetova, Jamilya
    Glocal people are needed in all fields of life-sustaining activity as business, industry, education, health, environment, technologies. To develop glocal people is the key aim the world higher education system is intending to achieve. What kind of people are glocal people? People, who think globally, act locally. People who act as masters of logical, critical, lateral, creative and systems thinking and who can think globally and consequently solve local problems. Value and demand for glocal people are increasing during the crisis (economic, political, etc.). Why do we need glocal people? How are glocal people developed or how should they be educated?