Graduate School of Education
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The Graduate School of Education (GSE) at Nazarbayev University aspires to become an influential, world-class graduate school of education, effecting change in educational thinking, policy and practice at all levels of education through scholarly research, quality teaching and persuasive argument. Through its research, teaching and scholarship, the GSE is committed to working to improve education for all, sustaining a vision of education which enables individuals to maximize their own potential, free from the constrains of poverty and background, within a context of mutual understanding and global interdependence.
The GSE at Nazarbayev University shall:
engage in educational research, teaching and scholarship at the highest international standard,
mediate such research, teaching, and scholarship, locating it within broader contemporary frameworks, and
enhance capacity-building in educational research, teaching and scholarship.
Browsing Graduate School of Education by Author "CohenMiller, A. S."
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Item Open Access Artful Research Approaches in #amwritingwithbaby: Qualitative Analysis of Academic Mothers on Facebook(LEARNing Landscapes. Special Issue, Artful Inquiry: Transforming Understanding Through Creative Engagement, 2016) CohenMiller, A. S.This study contemplates one facet of academic motherhood through the use of artful research approaches in qualitative research to examine the (im)balance of being a mother writing academic works while raising and caring for a young child, as presented in an online hashtag Facebook campaign, #amwritingwithbaby. Specifically, this study uses an analysis of online posts and arts-based representations of findings through a comparison of narrative, poem, and word clouds. Through using popular media for representing the findings, this study helps address the accessibility of artful inquiry into the growing body of works seeking equity for women and mothers in academia.Item Open Access Developing research competence through a student-run peer-review journal at higher education institutions of Kazakhstan(KAZGUU University. Nazarbayev University. The 2ndInternational Research Conferenceon Academic Integrityis a peerreviewed conference., 2017-05-19) Montgomery, D. P.; CohenMiller, A. S.; Kozhabayeva, K. R.; Orynbassarova, D. M.This paper seeks to better understand the general institutional characteristics and the specific participatory activities that help students in higher education develop research competence. This paper presents the first part of an ongoing mixed methods study which uses a quantitative survey of authors (N=30), peer reviewers (N=35) and editors (N=10), followed by qualitative interviews (N=9) of selected representatives from each role, in order to identify and evaluate the ways in which participation in a student-run peer-reviewed journal contributed to developing research competence. In this part, we discuss the state of scholarly research in Kazakhstan, and provide a definition of research competence, and present the methodology employed in this study. The second part of the study will identify strengths of the student-run project, opportunities for improvement, and considerations for application in similar contexts to improve research competence. In this way, it makes a concrete step toward understanding how to improve scholarly research in Kazakhstan.Item Open Access Effective teaching strategies: A brief overview(Pedagogical Dialogue, 2018) CohenMiller, A. S.; Shamatov, Duishon; Merril, MarthaThis article discusses and presents a brief overview for effective teaching strategies within the school or university classroom. As teachers know, teaching is a challenging task. There are many people who may know their subjects very well. However, not everyone is able to convey what he or she knows to others. In fact, despite the fact teachers know a lot, many struggle to explain their knowledge to others. The main reason is that those specialists do not have knowledge, skills and competencies of sharing what they know with others. Thus, this paper attempts to address the mismatch between having knowledge about a topic and being able to share it with others by providing an overview of effective teaching strategies.Item Open Access School Psychology in context: Perception, challenges, and students’ wellbeing in mainstream Kazakhstani secondary schools(Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2017) Faucher, Carole; Torrano, Daniel; Tynybayeva, Madina; CohenMiller, A. S.; Kurakbayev, KairatThe paper presented here is part of a collaborative research project between researchers at Nazarbayev University and Cambridge University that began in 2015 and was funded by the British Council in the Institutional Links Newton-Al-Farabi program. In very general terms, the project aims to examine how schools (teachers, principals, students, parents, school psychologists) define and conceptualize wellbeing in general but also through the academic year, with special attention to vulnerable populations, for instance, students living in Rural settings or deprived regions, and those under extreme academic stress, such as students in specialized schools for gifted children.Item Open Access Тиімді оқыту стратегиялары: қысқаша шолу(Педагокикалық диалог, 2018) CohenMiller, A. S.; Shamatov, Duishon; Merril, MarthaБұл мақалада мектеп қабырғасында немесе университеттерде оқытуға арналған тиімді стратегияларға қысқаша шолу жасалады және талқыланады. Оқытудың күрделі міндет екендігін мұғалімдердің барлығы жақсы біледі. Өзінің пәнін өте жақсы білетін адамдар көп. Дегенмен, өзінің білгенін басқаға жеткізе алу барлығының қолынан келе бермейді. Шын мәнінде, мұғалімдердің мол білімі бола тұра, өзінің білімін басқаға жеткізуде бірқатар қиындықтарға кездеседі. Көп жағдайда мұның басты себебі мұндай мамандардың өз білетінін басқалармен бөлісуге қажетті білімі, дағдылары мен құзыреттілігі болмауына байланысты. Бұл мақала тиімді оқыту әдіс-тәсілдеріне шолу жасау арқылы тақырып бойынша білімді меңгеру мен оны басқалармен бөлісе білудің арасындағы сәйкессіздікті шешу мүмкіндіктерін қарастыруға арналады.Item Open Access Эффективные стратегии преподавания: краткий обзор(Педагогический диалог, 2018) CohenMiller, A. S.; Merril, Martha; Shamatov, DuishonВ данной статье рассматривается и представляется краткий обзор эффективных стратегий преподавания в стенах школ и университетов. Ни для одного из учителей не секрет, что преподавание является сложной задачей. Существует много людей, которые обладают профессиональными знаниями. Однако не каждый может передать другим то, что он или она знает. На самом деле, несмотря на то, что учителя имеют огромный багаж знаний, многие сталкиваются с трудностями в процессе передачи своих знаний другим. Основная причина заключается в том, что у этих специалистов нет знаний, навыков и «Школа не является подготовкой к жизни. Школа - это сама жизнь». Джон Дьюи компетенций по обмену с другими тем, что они знают. Таким образом, в статье делается попытка устранить несоответствие между знаниями по теме и возможностью поделиться ею с другими посредством обзора эффективных стратегий преподавания.