Inclusive Education: Are We There? Some Global Challenges, Contradictions and Anomalies
Makoelle, Tsediso
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The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Since the signing of the Salamanca statement in 1994, various countries have vowed to implement inclusive education. Different version of inclusion have been adopted worldwide but critics are beginning to suspect that, while inclusion sounds good in theory, it has not yet translated into implementable and realisable ideals. The
study on which this analytical paper is based therefore explored challenges, contradictions and anomalies in the implementation of inclusive education globally. Various articles by leading scholars in the field of inclusive education were reviewed. The findings indicate, inter alia, that inclusive education has not yet come into its own
right due to the varied contexts, conceptualisations and interpretations of the notion. It follows that leading scholars and practitioners in the field of inclusion should review the status quo, as well as reconceptualise and redesign the strategies to enhance its pedagogical implementation.
inclusion, inclusive education, inclusive pedagogy, Implementation, Integration, Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Makoelle, Tsediso (2014) Inclusive Education: Are We There? Some Global Challenges, Contradictions and Anomalies. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 5(3): 303-309