Carbon-cryogel hierarchical composites as effective and scalable filters for removal of trace organic pollutants from water
Busquets, Rosa
Ivanov, Alexander E.
Mbundi, Lubinda
Hörberg, Sofia
Kozynchenko, Oleksandr P.
Cragg, Peter J.
Savina, Irina N.
Whitby, Raymond L D
Mikhalovsky, Sergey V.
Tennison, Stephen R.
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Journal of Environmental Management
Effective technologies are required to remove organic micropollutants from large fluid volumes to overcome present and future challenges in water and effluent treatment. A novel hierarchical composite filter material for rapid and effective removal of polar organic contaminants from water was developed. The composite is fabricated from phenolic resin-derived carbon microbeads with controllable porous structure and specific surface area embedded in a monolithic, flow permeable, poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogel.
Composite materials, cryogel, Hierarchical structures, Phenolic carbon, Water treatment, Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Engineering physics
Busquets, R., Ivanov, A. E., Mbundi, L., Hörberg, S., Kozynchenko, O. P., Cragg, P. J., ... Cundy, A. B. (2016). Carbon-cryogel hierarchical composites as effective and scalable filters for removal of trace organic pollutants from water. Journal of Environmental Management, 182, 141-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.061