Characterisation of cilicate-grouted sand according to dynamic properties at low stress level
Kim, J.R.
Bakhtiyarov, D.
Zhumabekov, G.
Saliyev, D.
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Nazarbayev University
Overall, it was found that at lower frequencies, the energy dissipation potential of silicate-grouted sandy soil is higher than that of higher frequencies. Due to validity of approximation that viscoelastic nature of the soil material is linear, the stress-strain relationship of results in an elliptical hysteresis loop. It was concluded that the overall time dependent pattern of creep effect was similar to that of the experiments conducted under constant applied load. By analyzing the creep test results at given frequencies, it was found that while there is an increase in the complex modulus, the complex compliance
and the phase angle decrease. Also, by knowing dynamic properties of soil material, the power law of the creep compliance can be predicted.
first research week, soil material, silicate-grouted sand