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Jumagulova, Togzhan

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Graduate School of Education


The study focuses on evaluating objectives and outcomes of student financial aid policy in Kazakhstan in terms of equity and efficiency. Mixed-methods research design was adopted for the study, where document analysis and semi-structured interviews were used to understand the objectives of student financial aid policy, and the quantitative methods aimed at evaluating how student financial aid is distributed in Kazakhstan among different student groups based on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, parents` education, family income, school type. Moreover, a set of efficiency criteria were addressed with national statistics. Drawing upon the quantitative and qualitative data, the study uncovers the status quo regarding equity and efficiency of student financial aid in Kazakhstan. Three primary objectives of student financial aid policies in Kazakhstan were identified. They are meeting the needs of the economy for human resources, rewarding and motivating merit, and maintaining an intellectual level of the nation. Equity is not identified as an objective of student financial aid policy neither in documents nor by participants of the study. The study revealed that distribution of student financial aid, namely state grants among different socioeconomic groups is equitable. Thus, none of the variables such as gender, ethnicity, urban or rural school, family income and father`s education, except for the mother's education at the postgraduate level affects the odds of receiving a grant. The finding does not exclude the possible inequities in enrolment to highly selective universities and highly desirable majors. Concerning efficiency outcomes, the study brought up the questions if steering students to specific professions is effective and if the current level of higher education funding is enough to ensure quality, accessible and efficient higher education. Based on the findings of the study, discussion of possible causes of equitable distribution of merit-based financial aid in the context of Kazakhstan and existing theories, the possible conditions for setting a student financial aid policy that is both equitable and efficient were identified. That includes such features as clarity in objectives, wide dissemination of information about the existence, conditions, requirements, eligibility criteria and timing of the student financial aid programs, transparency, and simplicity of admission process, high aspirations for higher education in the society and quality of secondary schooling.



Type of access: Restricted, access, equity, efficiency, policy objective, policy outcomes, student financial aid


Jumagulova, T. (2018). Student Financial Aid Policy In Kazakhstan: Issues Of Equity And Efficiency. Graduate School of Education
