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Articles: Recent submissions

  • Даиров, Талгат (2016-01-17)
    "Просчеты в образовательной политике вкупе с низкой финансовой грамотностью населения являются предпосылками социальной нестабильности и, как следствие, проблем в экономике..."
  • Даиров, Талгат (2016-01-17)
    "...наличие 125 вузов со всей необходимой инфраструктурой является не проблемой, а нашим конкурентным преимуществом". Одним из итогов развития Казахстана является создание сравнительно развитой инфраструктуры высшего ...
  • Goodman, Bridget (International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. DOI:10.1080/18334105.2014.11082026, 2014)
    English as a medium of instruction (EMI) programs are an increasing phenomenon in European universities. This paper takes an ethnographic approach to understanding the impact of EMI on pedagogy in a private university ...
  • Niyozov Sarfaroz, Shamatov, Duishon (Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, 2005-05)
    This paper is based on an analysis of data gathered through two qualitative studies conducted by the authors in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, I accompanied by our continuous involvement in, and reflections on, the ...
  • Niyozov Sarfaroz, Shamatov, Duishon (Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, 2006-02)
    Although researching of and publishing on different aspects of the society in Central Asia and the post-Soviet world has become a popular activity in the international context, little attention is paid to the concept, ...
  • Shamatov, Duishon (Geneva, UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States., 2012-09)
    This chapter describes pedagogical approaches that are used by teachers in primary and secondary schools of Kyrgyzstan, and presents the results of a study, conducted in 2013, which was designed to increase understanding ...
  • Shamatov, Duishon (Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, 2006)
    This qualitative study examines and develops an in-depth understanding of two beginning teachers’ professional socializations in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. The study is a historical and descriptive account that provides ...
  • Shamatov, Duishon (Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 2007-06)
    This article reports the outcomes of a qualitative case study which explored how school teachers develop their assessment while attending an in-service teacher education programme. Semi-structured interviews and document ...
  • Ashraf, Dilshad; Khaki, Jan-e-Alam; Shamatov, Duishon; Tajik, Mir Afzal; Vazir, Nilofar (Sage Publications, 2005)
    Teacher education in developing countries faces great challenges attributable to economic constraints, including shrinking resources, the low status of teachers—exacerbated by declining incentives—and an entirely theoretical ...
  • Shamatov, Duishon (M.E. Sharpe, Inc, 2012)
    In Kyrgyzstan, the breakup of the USSR raised many issues related to equity and fairness in education, one of which is the distribution of public funds to support scholarship admissions to higher education institutions. After ...
  • Niyozov, Sarfaroz; Shamatov, Duishon (Global Oriental Ltd, 2006)
    The paper discusses the effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union on teachers' life and work in Badakhshan and Osh provinces of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Challenging some of the assumptions of the Soviet studies about ...
  • Сагинтаева, Аида; Бриджес, Дэвид; МакЛафлин, Коллин; Мехисто, Питер; Драммонд, Мери-Джейн; Аюбаева, Назипа; Кишкентаева, Марина; Кулахметова, Анель; Садвакасова, Меруерт; Гаськов, Владимир; Ганимурат, Нуржан; Кэннинг, Мэри; Фини, Джонни; Джонс, Дэннис; МакГиннес, Эймс; Харви, Дарси; Билялов, Дархан; Сагындыкова, Жанна (2014)
    Итоговый отчет по первому этапу проекта (2013 г.) «Разработка стратегических направлений реформирования образования Республики Казахстан на 2015-2020гг.» был реализован Высшей школой образования Назарбаев Университета по ...
  • Sagintayeva, A.; Bridges, David; McLaughlin, Colleen; Mehisto, Peeter; Drummond, Mary Jane; Ayubayeva, Nazipa; Kishkentayeva, Marina; Kulakhmetova, Anel; Sadvakassova, Meruyert; Gasskov, Vladimir; Ganimurat, Nurzhan; Canning, Mary; Finney, Joni; Jones, Dennis; McGuinness, Aims; Harvey, Darcie; Bilyalov, Darkhan; Sagyndykova, Zhanna (2014)
    The final report on the first phase (2013) of the “Development of the strategic directions for education reform in Kazakh- stan for 2015-2020” project was implemented by the Graduate School of Education at Nazarbayev ...
  • Сағынтаева, Аида; Бриджес, Дэвид; Кэннинг, Мэри (2014)
    «Қазақстан Республикасының 2015-2020 жылдарға арналған білім беру жүйесін реформалаудағы стратегиялық бағыттарды әзірлеу» жобасының бірінші кезең бойынша (2013 ж.) қорытынды есебі Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым ...