“Kazakhs should speak Kazakh”: Language Policy Realization in Urban Kazakh Families

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Amantay, Assem
Myrzabayeva, Aigerim
Karabay, Akmaral

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NUGSE Research in Education, 2(2)


The Kazakh government’s after-independence language policy of “Kazakhization” has had a positive impact on the revitalization of Kazakh as an official language. The research shows that the urban Kazakh people tend to support the policy of their indigenous language revitalization, but when it comes to language use at home, the Kazakh language is not extensively used in this context (Smagulova, 2008, 2011). Informed by Spolsky’s framework of language policy, this small-scale research of four urban Kazakh families examined parental ideologies towards the Kazakh language revitalization and the actual linguistic practices and the management strategies used in the home. This study revealed that while all four Kazakh families admitted the significance of the Kazakh language and supported the idea of its revitalization in the country, their language choices and efforts to maintain Kazakh vary from family to family. The findings offer new insights for researchers, policymakers, parents, and educators interested in understanding the revitalization of the Kazakh language.



Kazakhization, language revitalization, family language policy, urban Kazakh families


Amantay, A., Myzabayeva, A., & Karabay, A. (2017). “Kazakhs should speak Kazakh”: Language policy realization in urban Kazakh families. NUGSE Research in Education, 2(2), 13-20. Retrieved from nugserie.nu.edu.kz