Fiber Bragg Grating for Temperature Monitoring During Medical Radiofrequency Treatments

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Palumbo, G.
Iadicicco, A.
Tosi, D.
Verze, P.
Carlomagno, N.
Tammaro, V.
Ippolito, J.
Campopiano, S.

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Procedia Engineering


Abstract In this work, it is proposed the integration of fiber optic sensors with commercial medical instrumentation, for temperature monitoring during tumor radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFTA) treatments. The heat propagation over the area under treatment is measured by means of a specific configuration, consisting of several Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors properly bounded to the RFTA probe and being positioned close to the region reached by RF electrodes. Our ex-vivo experiments on ex vivo animal liver and kidney, confirm that we were able to monitor in real time the temperature increase during different and consecutive RF discharges performed with the laparoscopic bipolar device Habib 4x, with a temperature resolution of 0.1̊C and a spatial resolution of 5mm.



Fiber optic sensor, Fiber Bragg Grating, temperature monitoring, medical device, radiofrequency thermal ablation.


G. Palumbo, A. Iadicicco, D. Tosi, P. Verze, N. Carlomagno, V. Tammaro, J. Ippolito, S. Campopiano, Fiber Bragg Grating for Temperature Monitoring During Medical Radiofrequency Treatments, In Procedia Engineering, Volume 168, 2016, Pages 1308-1311
