Weight loss technology for people with treated type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial

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Oshakbayev, Kuat
Dukenbayeva, Bibazhar
Togizbayeva, Gulnar
Durmanova, Aigul
Gazaliyeva, Meruyert
Sabir, Abdul
Issa, Aliya
Idrisov, Alisher

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Nutrition & Metabolism


Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing in worldwide despite the development of new treatment methods. Aim of the study was to evaluate a weight loss method on body composition, glycemic, lipid and hormone profiles, blood pressure and reactive oxygen species in people with treated type 2 diabetes. Methods: A 24-week open, prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial including 272 adult patients with treated type 2 diabetes was performed. The patients were divided in two groups: Main group consisted of 208 patients who followed a method including a calorie restriction diet and optimal physical activity; Control included 64 patients who received conventional drug treatment with weight loss. Main Outcome Measures were weight loss, fasting glucose and 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), HbA1c. Secondary endpoints were blood pressure, lipid and insulin blood levels. Results: At 24 weeks, patients in Main weight lost between 8-18 kg (10–21%); their body mass index significantly decreased (-4.2 kg/m2) as well as their waist circumference (-13 cm) compared to Control. In Main weight loss was achieved fatty mass reduction. In Main fasting glucose and OGTT, HbA1c, blood pressure, reactive oxygen species decreased significantly, whereas hemoglobin levels and heel bone mineral density increased. In Main blood insulin levels decreased by 72.0%, cortisol levels decreased by 40.7%, while testosterone levels in men increased by 2.4 times from baseline. The application of the weight loss method led to a decrease in drug doses leading to their complete withdrawal. Conclusions: The results of this study show the beneficial role of a weight loss method in improving glycemic, lipid and hormone profiles, electrolyte and biochemical indices, blood pressure, reactive oxygen species and bone mineral density in patients with treated type 2 diabetes.



type 2 diabetes, weight loss, restriction diet, glycemic/lipid and hormone profiles, lipid/protein oxidation


Oshakbayev Kuat et al.(>7), 2017, Weight loss technology for people with treated type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial, Nutrition & Metabolism
