Slicing the Vacuum: New Accelerating Mirror Solutions of the Dynamical Casimir Effect

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Good, Michael R.R.
Linder, Eric V.

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International conference "ECL17: Exploring the Energetic Universe 2017", Nazarbayev University Energetic Cosmic Laboratory


Radiation from accelerating mirrors in a Minkowski spacetime provides insights into the nature of horizons, black holes, and entanglement entropy. We introduce new, simple, symmetric and analytic moving mirror solutions and study their particle, energy, and entropy production. This includes an asymptotically static case with nite emission that is the black hole analog of complete evaporation. The total energy, total entropy, total particles, and spectrum are the same on both sides of the mirror. We also study its asymptotically inertial, drifting analog (which gives a black hole remnant) to explore di erences in nite and in nite production.



mirror solutions, dynamical casimir effect, radiation, energy, Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Cosmology


Good, Michael R.R. Linder, Eric V. (2017) Slicing the Vacuum: New Accelerating Mirror Solutions of the Dynamical Casimir Effect. International conference "ECL17: Exploring the Energetic Universe 2017", Nazarbayev University Energetic Cosmic Laboratory