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Автор бойынша Graduate School of Education көру "CohenMiller, A. S."

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Автор бойынша Graduate School of Education көру "CohenMiller, A. S."

Сорыптау түріереже бойыншанәтиже бойныша

  • CohenMiller, A. S. (LEARNing Landscapes. Special Issue, Artful Inquiry: Transforming Understanding Through Creative Engagement, 2016)
    This study contemplates one facet of academic motherhood through the use of artful research approaches in qualitative research to examine the (im)balance of being a mother writing academic works while raising and caring ...
  • Montgomery, D. P.; CohenMiller, A. S.; Kozhabayeva, K. R.; Orynbassarova, D. M. (KAZGUU University. Nazarbayev University. The 2ndInternational Research Conferenceon Academic Integrityis a peerreviewed conference., 2017-05-19)
    This paper seeks to better understand the general institutional characteristics and the specific participatory activities that help students in higher education develop research competence. This paper presents the first ...
  • CohenMiller, A. S.; Shamatov, Duishon; Merril, Martha (Pedagogical Dialogue, 2018)
    This article discusses and presents a brief overview for effective teaching strategies within the school or university classroom. As teachers know, teaching is a challenging task. There are many people who may know their ...
  • Faucher, Carole; Torrano, Daniel; Tynybayeva, Madina; CohenMiller, A. S.; Kurakbayev, Kairat (Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, 2017)
    The paper presented here is part of a collaborative research project between researchers at Nazarbayev University and Cambridge University that began in 2015 and was funded by the British Council in the Institutional Links ...
  • CohenMiller, A. S.; Shamatov, Duishon; Merril, Martha (Педагокикалық диалог, 2018)
    Бұл мақалада мектеп қабырғасында немесе университеттерде оқытуға арналған тиімді стратегияларға қысқаша шолу жасалады және талқыланады. Оқытудың күрделі міндет екендігін мұғалімдердің барлығы жақсы біледі. Өзінің пәнін ...
  • CohenMiller, A. S.; Merril, Martha; Shamatov, Duishon (Педагогический диалог, 2018)
    В данной статье рассматривается и представляется краткий обзор эффективных стратегий преподавания в стенах школ и университетов. Ни для одного из учителей не секрет, что преподавание является сложной задачей. Существует ...