Hard and Soft Switching for Indoor Hybrid VLC/RF Systems [Article]
Ashimbayeva, Aigerim
Kalikulov, Nurzhan
Kizilirmak, Refik Caglar
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The paper is dedicated to analysis of hard switching (HS) and soft switching (SS) methods for hybrid VLC/RF systems. VLC communication is well known for its efficient high data rate service for short range wireless communication, however it relies on the condition of line of sight link. Its counterpart, RF communication, is easy to implement and widely available in most places. In this work, we consider hybrid VLC/RF system which takes advantages of both links by implementing HS and SS methods. In HS, either VLC or RF, whichever has higher throughput, is selected. In SS, on the other hand, data is transmitted though both links simultaneously however the total available electrical power is shared between the links. We demonstrate that SS outperforms HS when the power is optimally shared between the VLC and RF links.
Article "Hard and Soft Switching for Indoor Hybrid VLC/RF Systems" in pdf format
Visible light communication, VLC, Hybrid VLC/RF Systems
Ashimbayeva, A., Kalikulov, N., & Kizilirmak, R. C. (2017). Hard and Soft Switching for Indoor Hybrid VLC/RF Systems. 2017 IEEE 11th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAICT.2017.8687098