Three lowest S states of 9Be+ calculated with including nuclear motion and relativistic and QED corrections
Stanke, Monika
Komasa, Jacek
Ke¸dziera, Dariusz
Bubin, Sergiy
Adamowicz, Ludwik
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We have performed high-accuracy quantum mechanical calculations for the three lowest S states of the
beryllium ion 9Be+ . The nonrelativistic part of the calculations was done with the variational approach and
explicitly included the nuclear motion i.e., the finite-nuclear-mass approach . The nonrelativistic wave functions
were expanded in terms of explicitly correlated Gaussian functions. These nonrelativistic functions were
subsequently used to calculate the leading 2 relativistic corrections =1/c and the 3 and 4 QED quantum
electrodynamics corrections. In the 4 QED correction we only accounted for its dominant component
typically contributing about 80% of the correction. With those the present results are the most accurate ever
obtained for 9Be+. They also agree with the experimentally measured transitions within less than 0.1 cm−1
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics, quantum mechanical calculations
Monika Stanke, Jacek Komasa, Dariusz KJdziera, Sergiy Bubin, Ludwik Adamowicz; 2008; Three lowest S states of 9Be+ calculated with including nuclear motion and relativistic and QED corrections; PHYSICAL REVIEW A