Fyrillas, Marios M.Leontiou, Theodoros2017-01-062017-01-062016-02-01Fyrillas, M. M., & Leontiou, T. (2016). Critical Biot Number of a Periodic Array of Rectangular Fins. Journal of Heat Transfer, 138(2), [024504]. DOI: 10.1115/1.4031640http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/2156We consider the heat transfer problem associated with a periodic array of rectangular fins subjected to convection heat transfer with a uniform heat transfer coefficient. Our analysis differs from the classical approach as (i) we consider two-dimensional (2D) heat conduction and (ii) the wall, to which the fins are attached, is included in the analysis.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statescritical Biot numberfin effectivenessheat convectionHeat transferoptimum finrectangular finuniform heat transfer coefficientResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Engineering physicsCritical Biot Number of a Periodic Array of Rectangular FinsArticle