Christopher, Nadežda2016-11-282016-11-282016-11-24Christopher, Nadežda (2016) DESCRIBING AND ANALYSING KAZAKH: THE PARTICLE ĞOJ AND WIDER IMPLICATIONS. "МӘҢГІЛІК ЕЛДІҢ МӘҢГІЛІК ТІЛІ" Халықаралық симпозиум материалдары. this presentation I explore the existing descriptions of the Kazakh particle ğoj and demonstrate that despite a number of attempts to define its function, or describe its behaviour in discourse, a thorough analysis has not yet been carried out. This observation has wider implications to which I dedicate the second half of the presentation...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesKazakh languageResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguisticsDESCRIBING AND ANALYSING KAZAKH: THE PARTICLE ĞOJ AND WIDER IMPLICATIONSAbstract