Baimuratova, Ainur2017-06-192017-06-192017-05Ainur Baimuratova (2017) The impact of western education on the sociopolitical values of young adults in Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. does a type of education influence the development of particular norms and beliefs within a society? My thesis is aimed at finding the impact of Western-oriented education on sociopolitical values of young people in Kazakhstan. I use revisited modernization theory by Inglehart and Welzel (2005) and argue that students studying in Western universities possess more self-expression values such as prioritizing freedom and autonomous decision-making compared to students who attend non-Western universities. In particular, I propose three hypotheses: two of them are focused on the influence of additional years of education and content of courses on the development of self-expression values. The last one claims that studying in a Western democratic country increases the exposure to self-expression values experienced by a foreign student.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Stateswestern educationҚазақстан жастарының саяси- әлеуметтік құндылықтарывлияние западного образованияyoung adults in KazakhstanResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Political scienceTHE IMPACT OF WESTERN EDUCATION ON THE SOCIOPOLITICAL VALUES OF YOUNG ADULTS IN KAZAKHSTANБАТЫС ҮЛГІСІНДЕГІ БІЛІМ БЕРУДІҢ ҚАЗАҚСТАН ЖАСТАРЫНЫҢ САЯСИ- ӘЛЕУМЕТТІК ҚҰНДЫЛЫҚТАРЫНА ТИГІЗЕР ӘСЕРІВЛИЯНИЕ ЗАПАДНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ НА СОЦИОПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ЦЕННОСТИ МОЛОДЕЖИ КАЗАХСТАНАMaster's thesis