Ospanova, Zarina2019-07-092019-07-092019Ospanova, Zarina (2019) What are the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions and what are the demographic determinants and previous smoking behavior that is associated with smoking electronic cigarettes among Astana city students?Nazarbayev University School of Medicinehttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3950Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have become more commonly used tobacco products worldwide. Few studies focused on knowledge, attitudes and perceptions regarding e-cigarettes among university students in Kazakhstani context. This study explores what demographic characteristics and independent factors associated with e-cigarette use....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statessmoking behaviorWhat are the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions and what are the demographic determinants and previous smoking behavior that is associated with smoking electronic cigarettes among Astana city students?Master's thesis