2018-09-242018-09-242018-08-17(2018) 19th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. School of Humanities and Social Sciences.http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3524The Organizing Committee would like to thank… At Nazarbayev University Assel Sadykova (executive director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Aigerim Nurgaliyeva, Lazzat Sundetova, Ainur Yerezhepekova, Meruyert Mukanova, and Anel Kaddesova, colleagues, and student volunteers. At the International Turkic Academy President Darkhan Kydyrali, colleagues, and staff. At L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Rector Erlan Syzdykov and colleagues, staff, and student volunteers. The members of the ICTL 19 Program Committee and anonymous reviewers. The participants in the cultural program from Nazarbayev University and L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Lars Johanson, Éva Á. Csató, and A. Sumru Özsoy for their encouragement to host ICTL 19 in Astana, as well as Mehmet-Ali Akinci for his kind support during the organization of the conference.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesSchool of Humanities and Social SciencesNazarbayev UniversityTurkish Linguistics19th International Conference on Turkish LinguisticsCOLLECTION OF ABSTRACTSAbstract