Yessenbayev, Z.Saparkhojayev, N.Tibeyev, T.2020-05-112020-05-112014-04-04Yessenbayev, Z., Saparkhojayev, N., Tibeyev, T. (2014) Intelligent voice system for kazakh. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. speech technologies are highly advanced and widely used in day-to-day applications. However, this is mostly concerned with the languages of well-developed countries such as English, German, Japan, Russian, etc. As for Kazakh, the situation is less prominent and research in this field is only starting to evolve. In this research and applicationoriented project, we introduce an intelligent voice system for the fast deployment of callcenters and information desks supporting Kazakh speech. The demand on such a system is obvious if the country’s large size and small population is considered....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesIntelligent voice systemIntelligent voice system for kazakhArticle