Yesenov, M.Beznosko, DmitriyDuspayev, A.Iakovlev, A.2016-12-082016-12-082015M. Yesenov, D. Beznosko, A. Duspayev, A. Iakovlev; 2015; Study of the resonance α+13C interaction at low energies: Optimization of parameters of the beam shape; International Conference on New Photo-detectors; half of all elements heavier than iron are produced in a stellar environment through the s process, which involves a series of subsequent neutron captures and α decays. The reaction 13C(α,n)16O is considered to be the main source of neutrons for the s process at low temperatures in low mass stars in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). In order to understand better creation of such elements we need to imrove the understanding of creation of such elements, that is to obtain the excitation functions of the 13C (α, α)17O elastic scattering at the initial beam energy 13C from 1.7Mev/A till energies close to zero by using the Thick Target Inverse Kinematics method (TTIK) [1]. The experiment will be conducted in Astana, KZ by using a new heavy ion accelerator DC-60 that provides ion beam with the energy 1.75 MeV/nucleon [1]. To improve the results and reduce errors, the profiling of the beam within the experimental camera is required. In this article, the detailed preparations for this measurement are described.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesStudy of the resonance α+13C interaction at low energies: Optimization of parameters of the beam shapeConference Paper