Kamilat, ZhanerkeZharmukhambetova, Malike2024-09-112024-09-112024Kamilat, Zh., Zharmukhambetova M. (2024). Master Students’ Challenges and Strategy Uses While Writing a Thesis at an EMI University in Kazakhstan. In NU GSE Research in Education, 7(1), pp. 23-31. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Educationhttps://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/8257This qualitative study investigates the challenges and coping strategies of master’s students at an English medium of instruction (EMI) university in Kazakhstan while writing their theses. It explores the difficulties these students face and the methods they use to overcome them. Writing a thesis in English poses a significant challenge, espe cially for non-native speakers conducting research in English for the first time (De Kleijn et al., 2012). Semi structured interviews were conducted with male and female master’s students to gather data on their experiences. The findings reveal that students struggle to balance their academic work with professional and family responsibili ties, which hinders their thesis progress. Future research should investigate specific challenges, such as identifying the causes of burnout and further exploring coping strategies, to gain a deeper understanding of the support need ed for EMI graduate studentsenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesmaster’s students thesisEMI universityEMI graduate studentsMaster Students’ Challenges and Strategy Uses While Writing a Thesis at an EMI University in KazakhstanArticle