Schönbach, ChristianAhmad, ShandarGromiha, Michael M.Raghava, Gajendra P.S.Ranganathan, Shoba2019-11-042019-11-042019-04-18Ahmad, S., Gromiha, M. M., Raghava, G. P. S., Schönbach, C., & Ranganathan, S. (2019). APBioNet's annual International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) returns to India in 2018. BMC Genomics, 19, [266]., one of the largest annual bioinformatics conferences in the Asia-Pacific region since its launch in 2002, returned to New Delhi, India after 12 years, with a conference attendance of 314 delegates. The 2018 conference had sessions on Big Data and Algorithms, Next Generation Sequencing and Omics Science, Structure, Function and Interactions, Disease and Drug Discovery and Plant and Agricultural Bioinformatics. The conference also featured an industry track as well as panel discussions on Women in Bioinformatics and Democratization vs. Quality control in academic publishing. Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Interaction & Networking Society (APbians) was launched as an APBionet Special Interest Group. Of the 52 oral presentations made, 22 were accepted in supplemental issues of BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics or BMC Medical Genomics and are briefly reviewed here. Next year's InCoB will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia from September 10-12, 2019.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesAPBioNet's annual International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) returns to India in 2018Article