Tazabek, Sholpan2017-03-092017-03-092016Sholpan Tazabek; 2016; INTERNATIONALIZING CURRICULUM FOR INNOVATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES IN KAZAKHSTAN; GSE; EURASIAN HIGHER EDUCATION LEADERS’ FORUM 2016; http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/2349http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/2349Internationalization of higher education has become an ever-increasing imperative of a modern society. Mainly led by theories of globalization and knowledge economy discourse, internationalization is reshaping the university functioning – even on the margins. This has been emphasized in a large-scale survey conducted by the International Association of Universities. In this survey, 87% of respondents identified internationalization as a central element in the strategic development of their institutions (Egron-Polak & Hudson, 2010). While some scholars explain the importance of internationalization by the challenges of a globalized world (van der Wende, 1997; Altbach & Knight, 2007), it is also true that each university has its own sociocultural context that can shape its perceptions and experiences of internationalization (Yang, 2002).enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesThe fifth Eurasian Higher Education Leaders’ ForumHigher Educationentrepreneurial universitiesINTERNATIONALIZING CURRICULUM FOR INNOVATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES IN KAZAKHSTANArticle