Amerzhanov, DauletSuleimenova, IndiraDavlidova, SalimaNugmanova, ZhamilyaAli, Syed2021-07-132021-07-132020-09-30Amerzhanov, D., Suleimenova, I., Davlidova, S., Nugmanova, Z., & Ali, S. (2020). HBV Prevention and Treatment in Countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Viruses, 12(10), 1112. countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus are linked by travel and trade, which is promoted by visa-free mobility across borders. Unfortunately, this migrant mobility has given rise to the transmission of various infections within this region. Overlaps in culture, tradition, and behavior among these countries provide opportunities to share experiences that have proven effective in controlling transmission. Here we present a review of hepatitis B virus (HBV) prevalence, prevention and treatment across Central Asia and the Caucasus. Overall, owing to effective measures, while HBV prevalence has been steadily declining in the region, certain gaps still exist regarding the generation and availability of HBV infection data.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesCentral AsiaCaucasusHBVType of access: Open AccessHBV PREVENTION AND TREATMENT IN COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUSArticle