Mukhamejanova, ZhansuluTungatarova, Zhanerke2018-06-192018-06-192017Mukhamejanova, Zhansulu. Tungatarova, Zhanerke (2017) A Comparative Study of Gender Equality perception among top-ranked officials from public, quasi-government and private sector in Kazakhstan. Graduate School of Public Policy. Nazarbayev University. the period 1990 Kazakhstan underwent through dramatic and unstoppable changes with tremendous consequences on the economic strategy and cultural values. With globalization processes that triggered the westernization of ideology, the minds and the mentality of the whole population entirely changed emphasizing the position of women. Taking into consideration these consequences of economic and ideological changes, participation and engagement of women in different spheres of the society should have been uplifted to the level of male representatives. Change is taking place, but not as quickly as in numerous parts of the Western world....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesgender equalityprivate sectorA Comparative Study of Gender Equality perception among top-ranked officials from public, quasi-government and private sector in KazakhstanMaster's thesis