Alimkhanova Dinara, Drybrough Andrew G.2023-11-082023-11-082023Alimkhanova D., Drybrough AG. (2023) Applying statistical databases on educational research. NUGSE Research in Education, 6(1), Graduate School of Education review presents information on international and national statistical databases that can be used for the purpose of educational research. Each database is derived from the websites and the authentic website source is provided through a hyperlink. These hyperlinks were accessible and working at the time of writing. Although most of these websites contain a range of types of data on different subject areas (e.g., economic and demographic statistics) each website has at least one section of data or research relating to education, or that might be of interest to the educational researcher. There are also some sites that may be of more specific interest to those involves in educational assessment. The analysis of each databases will cover two main aspects. First, there will be a short description of the statistical database. This is then followed by a brief analysis of that database that identifies the benefits and/or limitations of it. We begin by describing and analyzing the international education databases, followed by national educational databases of Kazakhstan. We have found these of use in our research and teaching, and hope that they can be of benefit to anyone who is interested in international educational research and educational research in Kazakhstan and the wider Central Asian region...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesstatistical databasestype of access: open accesseducational research in Kazakhstaninternational education databasesnational educational databases of Kazakhstannational educational databases of KazakhstanAPPLYING STATISTICAL DATABASES ON EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHArticle