Spencer, George AndrewMoyo, Lesley2023-11-142023-11-142023Spencer, G. A. Moyo, L. (2023). Strategies for Support of Hybrid and Hyflex Practices in Academic Libraries. Nazarbayev Universityhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7519Evolving instruction landscape from traditional to hybrid/hyflex 1.In-person:Bring the class to the library, or have a librarian visit the classroom; this can be a full or partial class period 2.Online:Students participate in a synchronous video instruction session, or complete an asynchronous online module, tutorial, or activity (e.g. in learning management systems such as Moodle, Canvas, etc.) 3.Hybrid:Students complete an asynchronous online module, tutorial, or activity before or after an in-person instruction session 4.Supplementary Materials:Librarians develop online resources for the course such ascourse reading lists,LibGuides / Research Guides, Moodle/Canvas pages, etc.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Open AccessAcademic LibrariesHybrid PracticesHyflex PracticesSTRATEGIES FOR SUPPORT OF HYBRID AND HYFLEX PRACTICES IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIESPresentation