Aitymbetov, NurmukhammedSatkan, ShyngysBekmukhanbetov, DastanSuiirkhanov, MeiirlanZormpas, Dimitrios2024-06-132024-06-132024-05-25Aitymbetov, N., Satkan, Sh., Bekmukhanbetov, D., Suiirkhanov, M. (2024). Anonymous Publication Submission and Review Platform Using ML. Nazarbayev University School of Engineering and Digital Sciences created an anonymous publication submission and review platform that uses an effective machine learning model to protect the authors' privacy and the integrity of the review process. The platform is designed with Django and the Django REST Framework (DRF) for backend operations, React for the frontend interface, and PyTorch for training machine learning model. Our technology automates the process of connecting papers with the most appropriate reviewers based on their expertise, reducing human interference and any bias. Furthermore, it makes it easier to provide feedback to assigned publications using an intuitive interface. We believe that our website would significantly contribute to the academic publication review process.enType of access: EmbargoANONYMOUS PUBLICATION SUBMISSION AND REVIEW PLATFORM USING MLBachelor's thesis