Good, Michael R.R.Anderson, Paul R.Evans, Charles R.2016-01-082016-01-082016Good Michael R.R., Anderson Paul R., Evans Charles R.; 2016; Black Hole - Moving Mirror II: Particle Creation; is an exact correspondence between the simplest solution to Einstein's equa- tions describing the formation of a black hole and a particular moving mirror tra- jectory. In both cases the Bogolubov coe cients in 1+1 dimensions are identical and can be computed analytically. Particle creation is investigated by using wave packets. The entire particle creation history is computed, incorporating the early- time non-thermal emission due to the formation of the black hole (or the early-time acceleration of the moving mirror) and the evolution to a Planckian spectrumenResearch Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physicsblack holesBlack Hole - Moving Mirror II: Particle CreationArticle