Jasaitis, KristijonasMidlenko, AnnaBekenova, AigerimIgnatavicius, PovilasGulbinas, AntanasDauksa, Albertas2022-11-142022-11-142021-04-30Jasaitis, K., Midlenko, A., Bekenova, A., Ignatavicius, P., Gulbinas, A., & Dauksa, A. (2021). Transaxillary gasless endoscopic thyroidectomy versus conventional open thyroidectomy: systematic review  and meta-analysis. Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques, 16(3), 482–490. https://doi.org/10.5114/wiitm.2021.105722http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/6760Aim: This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluates surgical outcome and safety results of conventional (OT) versus endoscopic transaxillary gasless thyroidectomies (ET). Material and methods: A systematic literature search was performed. The weighted mean differences or the odd ratios with corresponding 95% CIs were examined for surgical outcomes and complications. The results were analysed using fixed- or random-effects models. The heterogeneity was checked by the Cochran Q test and the extent of inconsistency was evaluated by the I2 statistic. Results: Ten studies and 1597 patients were included. All studies found that ET required longer operative time. Postoperative pain was significantly lower after ET on day 1 and day 7. No statistical difference was found in complication rates. Conclusions: ET has disadvantages such as longer surgery time, but it is a feasible and safe procedure with lower postoperative pain and comparable complication rates to OT. However, good quality prospective randomised studies are necessary to draw firmer conclusions.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesthyroidectomyType of access: Open Accessmeta-analysisconventionalendoscopictransaxillarygaslessTRANSAXILLARY GASLESS ENDOSCOPIC THYROIDECTOMY VERSUS CONVENTIONAL OPEN THYROIDECTOMY: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSISArticle