Tolepov, ZhandosPrikhod’ko, OlegZhakupov, AlibekTursyn, YernarRakhi, Assyltas2022-09-142022-09-142022-08Tolepov, Zh. Prikhod’ko, O. Zhakupov, A. Tursyn, Ye. Rakhi, A. (2022). Structure and electronic properties of layered Ge-Sb-Te based alloys. National Laboratory Astana, with the increasing demands for modern storage media, such as flash memory (flash-memory) and hard disks based on magnetic recording, there is a failure of these types of storage media. This is mainly due to the insufficient number of write and erase cycles, the speed of writing and reading information, low radiation resistance, etc. [1-3]. In this regard, the expected receiver of a new generation of information carriers are non-volatile phase memory elements (PCM - Phase Change Memory) based on chalcogenide glassy semiconductors (CGS)enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: EmbargoPhase Change MemorySTRUCTURE AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF LAYERED GE-SB-TE BASED ALLOYSAbstract