Huete, CesarAbdikamalov, ErnazarRadice, David2020-05-112020-05-112018-04César Huete, Ernazar Abdikamalov, David Radice, The impact of vorticity waves on the shock dynamics in core-collapse supernovae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 3, April 2018, Pages 3305–3323, perturbations arising from nuclear shell burning can play an important role in propelling neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova explosions. In this work, we analyse the impact of vorticity waves on the shock dynamics, and subsequently on the post-shock flow, using the solution of the linear hydrodynamics equations. As a result of the interaction with the shock wave, vorticity waves increase their kinetic energy, and a new set of entropic and acoustic waves is deposited in the post-shock region....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesshock wavesturbulencesupernovae: generalThe impact of vorticity waves on the shock dynamics in core-collapse supernovaeArticle