ForĂȘt, Philippe2016-11-232016-11-232006ForĂȘt Philippe, 2006, Routledge; Globalizing Macau. The Emotional Costs of Modernity (1910-1930). chapter deals with the ambiguity that political authorities feel toward culture and history when they are pressed to enlarge and modernize urban infrastructures. I will discuss the strategy followed by the Harbour Works Department of Macau as the city sought to reposition itself as an international trade centre. I examine Macau's spatial transformation between 1910, when a progressive regime came to power in Lisbon, and 1930, when the first extension phase of the Porto Exterior facilities was completed.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesMacau (China)Macao (Portugal)history of Macau (1557-1910)history of Macau (1910-1930)portuguese colonialismurban planningurban developmentorientalismcultural heritagePraia Grandelandscape consumptiontourism industrytravel literaturecolonial modernityResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Religion/Theology::History of religionGlobalizing Macau. The Emotional Costs of Modernity (1910-1930)Book chapter